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Issue date: 
October 10, 2013

Texas Forests provide $93 billion in environmental benefits each year

Issue date: 
September 28th, 2012; Oct 19, 2012

Biodiversity Offsets: : Voluntary and Compliance Regimes

UNEP-WCMC and UNEP FI have issued a new publica

Issue date: 
Aug 10, 2012

Growing benefits from forest carbon projects

Corporate responsibility managers should take a look at forest carbon offset projects to maximize return on investment in climate, biodiversity, and community benefits

Issue date: 
15 August 2012

Response to George Monbiot: The valuation of nature and ecosystem services is not privatization

The idea of placing a value on the environment to encourage its protection has become increasingly popular, but critics say it amounts to little more than the privatisation. We asked three experts in the field to answer this charge – here’s their response.

Issue date: 
July 20th, 2012

Ecuador’s plan falters

Issue date: 
Jul 13th 2012

Pricing nature's freebies

Issue date: 
June 20, 2012

Code REDD for environmental protection

Up to now a forest’s value has been measured mainly in terms of the price of its wood, but the United Nations is currently turning this premise on its head by placing a price on the forest’s capacity to absorb the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

Issue date: 

Rio+20: Are human development indices forest-blind?

When policymakers and national planners set out to enhance local “quality of life,” they often base their decisions on a variant of the United Nations’ Human Development Index (HDI), a basket of indicators, ranging from income to life expectanc

Issue date: 
20 June 2012

UK to help millions who rely on natural resources

The forest-friendly package was announced by the Deputy Prime Minster at the UN Earth Summit in Rio - also known as Rio+20- taking place this week.


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by Dr. Radut