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USNR – The CSS feed modules’ hydraulic press rolls provide consistency and quality

Mon, 28/10/2024 - 11:09

USNR’s new Compact Shape Saw (CSS) system is comprised of multiple modules that work to provide unprecedented performance. This includes the CSS Canter, feed modules, and the CSS Gang.

The centering infeed system has a short lineal footprint that accommodates up to three scan zones and can be fed from either the left, right, or both sides. It operates at speeds up to 650 feet per minute (200 mpm) which is faster than the gang itself, ensuring the infeed will not be a choke point in production.

It centers a cant to the line and then secures it against the sharp-top chain using overhead press rolls. Cants then travel through the scan zones and the optimal solution is determined while the cant travels down the Quickscan Bridge. This bridge can vary in length to fit an existing mill. An overhead anti-roll shoe prevents cants from rolling when entering the Quickscan table.

The press rolls are all hydraulic and feature position and force control which improves overall contact with the piece. This ensures that cants are secured against the bed rolls with a consistent pressure, improving lumber quality.

USNR engineers worked with service experts extensively to ensure the CSS would be built with maintenance in mind. Quick-change press roll and bed roll assemblies allow for spare assemblies to be inserted while the damaged or worn assemblies are removed for maintenance offline, decreasing downtime and increasing the overall reliability of the system. The intermediate and infeed modules can also slide out for easy and safe saw change and maintenance. All cutting tools are easily accessible from either side of the line in the same open area in the center of the line.

To learn more about the feed modules and the entire CSS system, contact your USNR representative.

To read previous USNR posts click here.


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Kesla introduces a new generation forest trailer

Thu, 24/10/2024 - 12:22

Finnish Kesla launched a new generation box-framed KESLA 165 forest trailer at the Agricultural Machinery Trade Fair in Helsinki, Finland 17.-19.10.2024.

KESLA 165 marks the beginning of a new era in tractor-drawn forestry trailers with its robot-welded box-frame-type structure and technical features earlier known from forwarders. The trailer has a standard load space area of 4 m² which can be easily expanded to an impressive 5 m² by simply turning the posts. Together with freely adjustable bunks, hydraulically movable front screen and extendable rear frame, the load space flexibly adapts to varying characteristics of different kinds of round wood. Load space length is 4,8 m which allows 6 m logs, or even longer ones, to be transported safely and efficiently. The new trailer is specifically designed for professional tractor contractors providing increased productivity in logistics and more earnings.

KESLA 165 is the only 167/2013 type-approved forest trailer with 16 tn payload 

Together with a tow bar mounted KESLA 326T timber loader the gross weight of KESLA 165 trailer is totally 22 000 kg consisting of 6000 kg deadweight and 16 000 kg payload. Due to an articulated tow bar and ISOBUS connected traction system the trailer follows the tractor perfectly especially in steep hills and tight turnings. Special attention is put on the bogies which are designed to climb over the obstacles.

Excellent gross weight-payload ratio provides the best fuel economy on the market per transported round wood m3. A powerful nave drive provides an extra 3,9 tons draw power (250 bar and at 2 km/h speed) when required. ISOBUS connected traction system benefits the tractor as the load is well synchronized and therefore causes less stress to the tractor. Trailer comes already from the factory with an EU wide 167/2013 type approval and can be therefore driven legally on the public roads.

 Awarded high-quality workmanship made in Finland

Already prior to its launch, the KESLA 165 trailer received an honourable mention in the New Product Competition organized by the Agricultural Machinery Trade Fair. All KESLA trailers are manufactured in Finland at Kesla Kesälahti plant which celebrated its 50th anniversary this year.

International sales of KESLA 165 starts in December with first deliveries during first quartile of 2025.

To read previous KESLA posts click here.


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Argentine, Brazilian, Chilean, Colombian, Paraguayan and Uruguayan customers of the brand participated in the tour in Finland, which also included a visit to the company’s headquarters

Tue, 22/10/2024 - 13:19

Ponsse South America took 110 people to visit the company’s headquarters in Finland and also the FinnMetko trade fair, one of the most important in the world for the forestry sector. Among the highlights pointed out by visitors were the new technologies that they were able to see at the fair.

“The visit was spectacular from the point of view of forestry equipment development and also to learn about another operational reality, in a country very different from ours, which does not have such a verticalized operation”, highlighted Cenibra’s Forestry Equipment Development Specialist, Políbio Martins Nogueira.

FinnMetko traditionally presents the latest developments in the industry to the world. Countries around the world are keeping an eye on the trends and how new technologies should be applied.

“Finland offers an environment for learning and experiencing long-term forest management. The need to make a small and medium-sized private property profitable through forest management establishes a link and care for natural resources. This model intensifies the development of equipment aimed at mechanizing forestry processes and managing waste, some of which are seen at FinnMetko,” said Dexco Operations Manager Matheus Esteves.

“It was an excellent opportunity to learn about innovations in the forestry market and to be up to date with the most advanced technology in the segment. We were also able to see first-hand the improvements in machine structures and components, in addition to following new launches and understanding how demand in the forestry market outside Brazil is behaving and what its future prospects are. This is certainly useful information for professional growth and market strategies,” added the director of Vale do Amazonas, Francisco Dartora.

Ponsse Spirit

The delegation’s trip also included visits to some of Ponsse’s operations, such as the logistics area and the company’s headquarters in Vieremä. This is always an opportunity to bring the brand closer to its consumers around the world. For Marini Compensados’ Forestry Manager, Alexandre Bedin, getting to know the Ponsse spirit was the highlight of the trip.

“What caught my attention the most was the Ponsse spirit. Getting to know the family, the founders and their generations and that the family principles of honesty, trust, excellence in production and quality are fundamental for the company to reach greater heights. Getting to know this here at Ponsse, I was able to realize that I already had a lot of this at home, these fundamental values ​​and their importance for structuring and consolidating a company”, highlighted Alexandre.

Odesio Hess Júnior, owner of Transdi Madeiras, said that being at Ponsse’s headquarters made him understand much more about the passion for the sector. “What caught my attention the most was the love they have for the machinery, just as we love our service.”

The guests invited to participate in this trip were customers and other stakeholders of the brand from South American countries. Argentines, Brazilians, Chileans, Colombians, Paraguayans and Uruguayans participated.

Travelers from other countries around the world were also able to meet Ponsse and FinnMetko. “Moments like this are essential for our customers to always be connected with trends and our brand. Being close to each of them, listening to them and understanding their needs is also part of the Ponsse spirit,” highlighted Martin Toledo, Vice President of Ponsse South America.


To read previous Ponsse posts click here.


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The Ultimate Showdown: Introducing Log Max 6000V Top Saw

Tue, 22/10/2024 - 12:05

Saddle up and witness the wildest duel of the century! In this thrilling short film, two legendary cowboys face off in a high-stakes standoff. Who will claim victory? Get ready for heart-pounding action and see how innovation takes the lead in the wild, wild west. Don’t miss out—watch now and discover how Log Max 6000V Top Saw can make you the champion of your own adventure!

6000V Top Saw will be available on the market during Q1 2026.

Log Max 6000V Top Saw is well-suited for both wheeled and tracked harvesters. With the Top Saw, you can maximize the timber yield from every log, and the new function, Tilt Control, enables you to place the head at any desired tilt angle.

Log Max 6000VTS – Log Max | Harvesting Heads

To read previous Log Max posts click here.


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by Dr. Radut