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December 2011

Issue date: 
Nov. 29, 2011

Wildlife Works Launches CODE REDD Campaign to Save the World's Threatened Forests

SAN FRANCISCO and DURBAN, South Africa, Nov. 29, 2011 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Wildlife Works announced today the launch of CODE REDD, an emergency action campaign to save the world's wild forests using private sector financing within the Voluntary Carbon Market.

Issue date: 
November 29th, 2011

Blending Climate Finance through National Climate Funds

Climate change is one of today’s most pressing threats to achieving sustainable development goals around the world. Countries must transform their economies and angle their growth with policies and actions across multiple sectors that lower greenhouse gas emissions, reduce vulnerability to climat

Issue date: 
November 30, 2011

REDD+ finance delivery: lessons from early experience

Delivering REDD+ finance has taken more preparatory work, capacity and tailoring than initially envisaged.

Issue date: 
Nov 30 2011

U.S: A Look at Renewable Energy

Climate change poses a long-term threat to the world, because an unchecked acceleration of current warming trends could have catastrophic consequences for billions of people.

Issue date: 
November 30, 2011

Japan aims to start bilateral carbon offset program in 2013

Japan aims to start a program to work with companies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in developing countries in 2013, according to a new set of action plans to be introduced at the climate talks in Durban, South Africa.

Issue date: 
Nov 30, 2011

Conservation can only work by putting a value on forests

REDD+ type projects to protect rainforests face many obstacles but we should not give up on market-based solutions, says Ben Caldecott from the investment bank Climate Change Capital.

Issue date: 
November 30, 2011

Forest-dependent communities lobby for end of REDD+

Organisations working with indigenous peoples living in forests say the United Nations programme on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing Countries (REDD+) is just another way for big corporates to reap huge profits.

Issue date: 
Nov 30, 2011

ECN/EEA report on National Renewable Energy Action Plans

As defined in Article 4 of the European Renewable Energy Directive (2009/28/EC) each European Member State has provided a National Renewable Energy Action Plan (NREAP) to the European Commission, detailing projections for renewable energy development up to the year 2020. By that year, the cumulative consumption of renewable energy in all European Member States should result in an overall share of renewable energy of 20% across the European Union (EU).

Issue date: 
November 30th, 2011

Splitting the Difference; a Proposal for Benefit Sharing in REDD+

The objective of REDD+ in developing countries is to create incentives for the reduction of emissions from deforestation and forest degradation and for the increase of carbon stocks through the enhancement, conservation and sustainable management of forests in developing countries.

Issue date: 
November 30th, 2011

Experiencing effects of climate change at home

AS the Conference of Parties (Cop 17) to the United Nations (UN) framework convention on climate change progresses in the South-African town of Durban, it is important to note that Zambians too can get involved in climate change programmes at an individual level.


by Dr. Radut