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December 2011

Issue date: 
December 01, 2011

Peruvian Amazon could become global centre of ‘carbon piracy’: report

The Peruvian Amazon is the new global centre of “carbon piracy”, as banks, conservationists and entrepreneurs rush to snap up the legal rights to trade carbon, according to a report published today at the UN climate talks in Durban.

Issue date: 
November 30, 2011

Carbon offset firms feel heat of price crash

Shares in firms set up to profit from efforts to curb pollution traded near all-time lows on Tuesday as the collapse of the carbon emissions market they depend on raised concerns about their future.

Issue date: 
30 November 2011

Private sector needs quick decision on REDD finance

Time is running out for key decisions on the financing of projects that reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD), said Abyd Karmali, global head of carbon emissions at Bank of America Merrill Lynch.

Issue date: 
December 02, 2011

Climate fund transparency vital

THE Zambia Institute of  Environmental  Management (ZIEM) has  called for  equity  and transparency  in the  utilisation of the  Green Climate  Fund  to enable  developing countries   effectively  manage the effects of climate  change.
ZIEM executive director Morgan Katati said developing countries such as Zambia should be supported by countries which are major culprits when it comes to emissions.
He was speaking to journalists at the on-going climate change conference in South Africa.

Issue date: 

Amazonian indigenous peoples against REDD

Peruvian indigenous organizations along with the Forest Peoples Program, an international non-profit that defends the rights of native forest-dwelling peoples, said in a recent report that carbon emission reduction programs tied to the Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation, or REDD, a United Nations-led program, are hurting indigenous rights.

Issue date: 
December 1, 2011

REDD+ needs to invest in alternative livelihoods before making carbon payments

REDD+ projects need to be ready to make upfront investments to help local communities to develop alternative sources of income before implementing other aspects of the scheme such as conditional payments for protecting forests, a scientist says.

Issue date: 
November 27, 2011

A Change of Heart on Investing in the Climate

When State Street Global Advisors, the investment management arm of State Street Corp., offered its first

Issue date: 
June 01, 2011

Drivers and consequences of tropical forest transitions: options to bypass land degradation?

June, 2011. Meyfroidt, P.; van Noordwijk, M.; Minang, P.A.; Dewi, S.; Lambin, E.F.. Policy Brief 25. ASB Partnership for the Tropical Forest Margins. 4 pages*


Issue date: 
December 02, 2011

Short-term climate funds on track, doubts over future

(Reuters) - Rich nations are on track to deliver on their promise to supply $30 billion in short-term climate financing by the end of next year to help poor countries tackle global warming.

Issue date: 
December 02, 2011

Norway accused of hypocrisy over RI deforestation funding

Norway has been accused of climate hypocrisy in Indonesia, where it has won plaudits for financing forest protection even as its state pension fund allegedly secures even greater revenues from logging, plantations, mining and other environmentally destructive practices.


by Dr. Radut