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December 2011

Issue date: 
November 30th, 2011

Alberta making progress against the mountain pine beetle

Aerial surveys show Alberta is making progress in its fight against mountain pine beetle infestations in some parts of the province.

Issue date: 
December 3, 2011

Fiery debate surrounds benefits of salvage operations

Logging B.C.'s beetle-killed pine forests can, in theory, reduce the risk of a wildfire.

But when fire ecologist Bob Gray visits a logging site, he can see just the opposite: a heightened fire risk because of so much uneconomic wood left on the ground.

Issue date: 
December 3, 2011

Forest denizens struggle in clearings

Salvage logging of B.C.'s Interior lodgepole pine forests is having major consequences for wildlife by eliminating vast stretches of habitat used for activities such as feeding, hiding and keeping warm or cool.

Issue date: 
December 4, 2011

'Dead' pine forests very much alive

Phil Burton calls this place a jungle.

It's not the tropical Amazonian rainforest or even B.C.'s temperate rainforest, but a stand of lodgepole pine located off the Pelican Forest Service Road about an hour's drive southwest of Prince George.

Issue date: 
December 2, 2011

In the wake of a plague

The plan was simple: Log and sell as much dead pine as possible before it decayed or burned. But the environmental costs of the large-scale salvaging of Interior forests are still being tallied...

Issue date: 
November 29th, 2011

Forest Bonds: Realizing a Net Zero Deforestation, Forest-Friendly Economy

Heating and cooling, timber, water, food, habitat, energy, massive storehouses of carbon – forests provide an incredible amount of direct and indirect ecosystem services to humans, along with all other forms of life on earth. That’s especially true of tropical forests.

Issue date: 
Nov 30, 2011

Biofuels - from CDM to NAMAs

Author: Romero, Jane|2011/11|Publisher: Institute for Global Environmental Strategies(Hayama, Japan)

Issue date: 
December 02, 2011

Good Governance of Land and Natural Resources: Balancing local and global interests

This is a seminar report. The seminar was part of the international course on Local Governance & Rural Decentralization, organized on a yearly basis by the Royal Tropical Institute (KIT) and Wageningen UR Centre for Development Innovation (CDI).

Issue date: 
Nov 30, 2011

Global net forest loss smaller than thought: FAO

(Reuters) - The global net loss of forest over 1990-2005 was smaller by a third than earlier estimated but deforestation still threatens environment and food security, the United Nation's food agency said on Wednesday unveiling new satellite-bas

Issue date: 
December 01, 2011

India manages to stem deforestation: Minister

Proving the outcry that forests are shrinking due to increased urbanisation, industrialisation and rehabilitation, India has set its record straight with a modest increase in its forest cover.


by Dr. Radut