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Forests fare poorly in outcomes of Rio+20

BY Michelle Kovacevic, CIFOR

(CIFOR - June 26, 2012) - Forests have been largely ignored or ambiguously mentioned in the Rio+20 outcome document, yet again postponing progress on integrating forests into sustainable development objectives, said CIFOR scientists at the conclusion of the Rio+20 summit last week.

The madness of renewable biomass power keeps on going

In the south-eastern part of Poland GDF SUEZ is going to replace of a coal-fired boiler at the Polaniec S.A. power plant by a new biomass fluidized bed boiler with a capacity of 480 megawatt.

The planned 180 MWe biomass power station is going to be the largest biomass power plant of the world.

Just for your records: the guys there are planning to destroy biomass in the amount of approximately 300 MW. As for any biomass power plant only 40% of the biomass chipped into the boiler will transform to electric energy.

Recently radioactive wood pellets’s an emergence in Italy due to the Chernobyl AEP nuclear disaster in 1986

About 10,000 tons of radioactive wood pellets were imported by the Penal Court of Aosta in June, 18 of 2009. The radioactive wood pellets involved in this important Justice’s cause in Aosta came from sites of more than 29 Italian provinces. The radioactive wood pellets showed 300 becquerels per kg of inert material (the limit is 1000), while in ashes the radioactivity resulted about 40,000 becquerels.

World Banks' new report on illegal logging

March, 2012: Once again a reputable organization comes up with a delusive and misleading statement. Apparently it seems to be a real brainteaser to understand the difference between illegal logging and deforestation. Just like the EU, World Bank came up with a text in which illegal logging and deforestation are used synonymously.

Pakistan has signed a MoU with UK based company on REDD+

One can read at various news messages (ONLINE International News NetworkPakistan Today) about the signing of a MoU between the Government of Pakistan and UK based Company Merlins Wood.

All of you might have read and heard about the first and most prominent rule for any REDD+ agreements: they should be based on FREE, PRIOR & INFORMED CONSENT.

30% of global greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation!

One couldn't believe these figures:

"The link between deforestation and climate change is well known and estimated to cause between 25-30 per cent of global greenhouse gas emissions - and excessive demand for wood is one of the main causes of forest destruction ."

The Durban results in BRIEF

Funding for carbon trading projects halted

The Citizen, Tanzania

Funding for a carbon trading system known as Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) has been suspended until further negotiations between poor countries and powerful industrial nations.


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by Dr. Radut