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UK: Woodland creation part of national Low Carbon transition strategy

July 15, 2009: The UK has released its Low Carbon Transition Plan. The Plan plots out how the UK will meet the cut in emissions set out in the budget of 34% on 1990 levels by 2020.

EU grants € 4.5 million to EFI in order to push FLEGT

June 23, 2009: European Commission contributes € 4.5 million to EU FLEGT Facility hosted by EFI to fight illegal logging

Climate change happens: beetles to destroy American forests

4.7.2009: America's 4 July bonfires served a dual purpose yesterday. They burned the wood of trees destroyed by a trio of bugs that are devastating parts of the nation's forests.

With 750 million acres of forests in the United States, the scale of the problem is massive. Since 1999, the country has lost, on average, 1 per cent of its tree cover per year. This means these small insects have killed about 10 per cent of all US forests in 10 years.

US Climate Change Bill on the way to support REDD

Friday, 26th of June 2009: The bill (HR 2454) passed 219-212, with eight Republican "yes" votes tipping the balance. Forty-four Democrats voted against the bill.

Radioactive wood pellets from Lithuania?

Sunday, 14th of June 2009: An Italian court has ordered the recall of 10,000 tonnes of wood fuel pellets imported from Lithuania over fears that they could have dangerous levels of radioactivity, newspapers reported on Sunday.

Russia will not increase roundwood export duties

...for Finland

Wednesday, June 10th 2009:

Vladimir Putin just confirmed not to rise export duties on roundwood for Finland as long as the economic downturn crises lasts.

Both Governments concluded a bilateral timber trade commitment reports Business Support Bureau "Runa"

Monday, 10th of August 2009:

President Dmitry Medvedev called for “intensified talks” with Finland

Is the US interested in REDD?

House panel approves climate change bill

Reporting by Tom Doggett and Richard Cowan, Source:  Copyright 2009, Reuters, Date:  May 21, 2009
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Energy wood prices at same level as pulpwood prices

19th of May 2009: Hawkins Wright has published the first report about Forest Energy - The Forest Energy Monitor (Text from archive for Downlo

Climate change might reverse forests carbon sinks

Apr 23, 2009: New study warns that forests are at risk of becoming net sources of carbon instead of net sinks

Die EU hat ihren LULUCF Vorschlag vorgestellt...

Der Vorschlag der EU gibt den EU Staaten viel Freiheit - hoffentlich wird diese Freiheit in Österreich diesmal zum Wohle der Volkswirtschaft genutzt!


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by Dr. Radut