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New Zealand

Issue date: 
September 13th, 2012

New Zealand log prices

In-market log prices are reduced slightly this month. However demand is still strong as shipping prices have lowered. The in-market log price has lowered 1-2% for the products Agrifax monitors, however the cost of shipping in $/JASm³ has lowered 5-6%. Inventories

Issue date: 
August 17th, 2012

China imports 15% less sawlogs

The slowing economy in China has reduced the importation of logs from New Zealand, Russia and the US by about 15% during the first six months of 2012.

Issue date: 
August 7th, 2012

Australian lumber market quiet for NZ lumber

he Australian lumber market remains subdued due to limited building activity. This market is not expected to rebound in the short-term, therefore should not be relied upon by NZ lumber exporters.

Issue date: 
July 05, 2012

Forestry carbon farming stunted by ETS decision

Changes to the emissions trading scheme will stop investment in one of New Zealand's most important sources of future carbon emissions reduction - forestry "carbon farming", says Carbon Farm chief executive Murray McClintock.

Issue date: 
June 1st, 2012

NZ log export markets update

New Zealand Exports

Issue date: 
05 June 2012

Australia: Carbon Forestry Landscape Changing

Carbon forestry investments in New Zealand and Australia have taken a blow from the combined effects of legislative uncertainty and the depressed prices for carbon based on Euro problems, but the sector remains cautiously optimistic.

Issue date: 
April 29, 2012

Why New Zealand’s consultation process is important for REDD+ countries

As the first country to implement a national level emissions trading system (ETS) that also includes a forestry component as part of its climate change strategy and meets New Zealand’s obligations under the Kyoto Protocol, NZ’s experience in developing this system warrants close attention.

Issue date: 

Foresters should have their say on new rules

Issue date: 
6 March 2012

ETS reminder to hundreds of forest owners

Waikato Regional Council is writing to hundreds of forest owners in the region reminding them they need to register their forests by 31 March if they want to qualify for and claim Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) New Zealand units under the first five-year sequestration period of the Kyoto Protocol

Issue date: 
February 14, 2012

Billionaire’s decision to invest in forestry shows ethical approach

A billionaire investor has this week opted to put much of his cash in forestry investments, in a move that has been welcomed by alternative and ethical investment advocates, .


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by Dr. Radut