Japan to continue supporting forestry projects in India
The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Friday said it will continue to support forestry projects in India by making focussed efforts to rejuvenate the forests and help communities earn a sustainable livelihood.
Proving the outcry that forests are shrinking due to increased urbanisation, industrialisation and rehabilitation, India has set its record straight with a modest increase in its forest cover.
Inclusion of Forestry Matters in Policy and Decision Making Process: NFC
Shri Ranjan Chatterjee, Consultant, Planning Commission, said that forests are meant for every body and we need to keep balance between environment and forests. Shri Chatterjee said, “Forests are under pressure because of lack of understanding.
New approaches to sustainable forest management: a study of service innovation in conserving forestry resources
Sustainability has been a primary concern for the forestry professionals. This paper is concerned with the continuing evolution of approaches to monitor sustainable forest management.
The article examines the efforts for collective action of ten village communities in the state of Orissa to manage their local forest resources from an institutional perspective.
Agartala : India will engage 100,000 educated youths to execute an ambitious Green India Mission (GIM) which seeks to increase the country's forest cover to 33 percent from 20 percent within 10 years, says a top forest official.
Compensatory afforestation has not worked, says a new study
A new study supported by the Green Party of Germany finds that compensatory afforestation has not taken off in many cases and forest conservation rules have helped industry more than environment.
PUNE: Soon, planting trees could become a money-making proposition. A proposal on 'tree credits,' a concept to make conditions favourable for people to willingly grow and protect trees by getting appropriate periodic financial returns, has been floated by the directorate of social forestry.