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Issue date: 
13 September 2013

Forestry Ministry to review cooperation with foreign agencies

Indonesia will reconsider its cooperation with the World Wild Fund (WWF) and other foreign agencies for their failure to help manage the country`s forests effectively, according to Forestry Minister Zulkifli Hasan.

Issue date: 
September 11, 2013

Lawmaker Accuses WWF of Instigating Harrison Ford Ministry Row

Issue date: 
July 07 2013

NGO accuses Rimba Raya of misleading public with false carbon project information

A non-governmental organization said a claim that Rimba Raya Conservation had obtained approval from the Indonesian government for its world’s largest carbon project, on 64,000 hectares of areas in Indonesia, was in fact untrue.

Issue date: 
30 November, 2012

REDD: Reducing decentralization

On Oct. 22, the House of Representatives endorsed formation of the province of North Kalimantan and regencies of Pangandaran, South Coast Lampung, South Manokwari and Arfak Mountains.

Issue date: 
February 15, 2012

Illegal Logging Unlikely to End Unless All Companies Follow Rules

Efforts to stem illegal logging by requiring Indonesian timber exports to be certified will prove futile if cheaper, uncertified wood continues to be available on the market, officials said on Tuesday.

Diah Raharjo, director of the Multistakeholder Forestry Program, a collaboration between the Indonesian and British governments, said progress was being made in getting logging firms to comply but there was still much work to do.

Issue date: 
December 13, 2011

Asia Pulp & Paper (APP) Calls for Facts Not Fiction about Forest Protection

Asia Pulp & Paper Group (APP)

Issue date: 
December 02, 2011

Norway accused of hypocrisy over RI deforestation funding

Norway has been accused of climate hypocrisy in Indonesia, where it has won plaudits for financing forest protection even as its state pension fund allegedly secures even greater revenues from logging, plantations, mining and other environmentally destructive practices.

Issue date: 
November 27, 2011

Seizures From Illegal Indonesian Loggers Show Deforestation Impact

Kubu Raya, West Kalimantan. With millions of hectares of forests being cleared each year to make way for palm-oil plantations, even illegal loggers are now starting to see the impact of dwindling rainforests in Indonesia.

Unlike previous years when illegal loggers were spotted with top quality wood, the National Police this year have only been able to seize low quality goods during a series of raids conducted between Nov. 8 and Nov. 26.

Issue date: 
Oct 11, 2011

ACEH: The Ulu Masen REDD+ Pilot Project

The Ulu Masen project was developed by the Provincial Government of Aceh with the assistance of Fauna and Flora International (FFI) and the carbon brokerage firm, Carbon Conservation.

Issue date: 
September 13, 2011

Rimba Raya debacle casts pall over Indonesian REDD

The world has eagerly watched as Indonesia pilots public and private investments to curb the country’s massive forest losses while still meeting economic development goals.  But conflicting interests between the nation’s leadership turned ugly last month when a leading forest conservation project


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by Dr. Radut