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Energie aus Holzbiomasse

Issue date: 
October 17th, 2013

Biofuels and forests: Revisiting the debate

Much of the initial optimism about the contribution of biofuels to energy security, climate change mitigation and rural development has given way to skepticism about its economic viability and bad publicity about related land grabbing and environmental destruction.

Issue date: 
August 16th, 2013

Wood pellet exports from North America climb 50%

Pellet exports from the two primary pellet-producing regions on the North American continent – the US South and British Columbia – showed no signs of slowing in early 2013, with the rate of growth likely to accelerate in the second half of the year.

Issue date: 
Dez. 10, 2012

Are we heading back to landfills?

A Canadian forester recently transplanted to the States asked what sweeping federal policies exist concerning utilization of wood biomass for energy, to which I could only answer, "None." What we do have is a schizophrenic regulatory landscape, in which about 30 states have

Issue date: 
10 December 2012

UK supports wood-based biomass industry over climate action

UK alleges it will address drivers of climate change - but aims to subsidise a massive expansion of wood-based biomass industry

Issue date: 
Dec 18, 2012

EU Awards NER300 Technology Grant for UPM’s Biorefinery Project in France

The European Commission has awarded UPM a grant of EUR 170 million for solid wood-based biorefinery (BTL) project in Strasbourg, France. UPM Rauma’s similar biorefinery project plan in Finland has not received NER300-funding.

Issue date: 
2nd November 2012

US now largest wood pellet exporter in the world

Pellet exports from the two primary pellet-producing regions on the North American continent, the U.S.

Issue date: 
30 January 2012

Biodiesels pollute more than crude oil, leaked data show

Issue date: 

OUTRAGEOUS: U.S. Forests Logged, Pelletized, Shipped Overseas in the Name of Renewable Energy

At a time when scientific evidence is mounting that burning trees for electricity will actually result in increased carbon emissions

Issue date: 
Aug 8, 2012

Factbox: Biomass energy, carbon and forestry

(Reuters) - Forest and farmland together cover more than three quarters of EU territory, but their role in capturing and releasing carbon emissions is not fully documented.

Issue date: 
August 10th, 2012

Woody biomass in the USA sees drop in demand

Main reason for the declining prices is the fall of natural gas prices to levels not seen in ten yearsPrices for mill and forest biomass fell in most major consuming regions of the US in the 2Q/12, according to the North American Wood Fiber Review.


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by Dr. Radut