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Pulp- and Paperindustry

Issue date: 
December 14, 2010

Forest Shares in Finland increased by 33-99% over the past 12 months

Those who have invested in Finnish shares in the past year have made a great deal. The General index at the Helsinki Stock Exchange in Finland, has risen by 15 percent in one year and the charts are easy to find stocks that have risen 50-60 percent or more.

Issue date: 
December 13, 2010

Finnish company Pöyry strengthens its presence in the Brazilian forest production chain

Pöyry, the Finnish-based multinational which occupies a prominent position in developing worldswide projects in the pulp and paper sector, agreed to buy 60% of Silviconsult, the second largest Brazilian company in the forest industry.

Issue date: 
Dez. 6, 2010

From wood to wheel and from black liquor to diesel


Issue date: 
December 9, 2010

Södra invests in production of textile pulp

Södra invests in manufacturing of textile pulp and the production will be based on a production line at Södra Cell Mörrum currently producing pulp. - The demand of renewable wood-based textile fibers will increase by replacing the cotton fiber and oil-based synthetic fibers, said Gun

Issue date: 
December 1, 2010

New website shows how demand for paper products contributes to forest growth

An awareness campaign entitled Go Paper.

Issue date: 
December 3rd, 2010

EU - Russia deal could end log export tariffs

Reuters reported this week that Russia and the European Union struck a deal on Wednesday to phase out Russian export tariffs on raw materials.This is designed to smooth the way for Moscow’s entry into the WTO.

Issue date: 
December 1, 2010

Finland overhauls timber price information data

More detailed price information, including data broken down by felling type, is to be published by Finland’s forest industry in a bid to help timber sales.

Issue date: 
November 25, 2010

Reduction of Russian timber duties after negotiations with WTO

Russia will reduce its wood tariffs probably within a year. Russia has given this promise to reduce timber dutis in negatiations to the European Commission in exchange for membership in the World Trade Organization (WTO) according to the Finnish TV Yle.

Issue date: 
November 25, 2010

Electricity prices in Sweden and Norway has increased sharply over the past week

One of the major cost in forestry, pulp and basic industries are high electricity prices.

Issue date: 
Nov 22, 2010

Cameroon Timber Tax Shows Problems Distributing REDD Payments To Locals

A new study finds a lack of transparency and corruption are reducing the impact of an initiative in Cameroon that channels a portion of national timber levies to rural forest communities. The study highlights the challenges of using a climate change pact to do something similar in forested regions around the world.


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by Dr. Radut