Pulpwood plantations in Brazil: the key to the future
SAO PAULO, Nov. 2, 2009 (RISI) - I've written a lot lately about the surge in biomass energy plantation investment in Brazil, but there has also been a strong expansion in eucalyptus pulpwood plantations in recent years. This expansion in plantations for pulpwood production is a key indicator of future expansion plans for the Brazilian pulp sector, and offers some interesting new opportunities for timberland investors. So I'm looking forward to RISI's upcoming Latin America Pulp and Paper Outlook Conference in Sao Paulo November 15-17 (http://www.risi.com/la_conf/), where I'll have a chance to chat with pulp producers from Brazil (and Mexico, Colombia, Argentina, etc.) about what's happening in their rapidly developing plantation programs.
SAPPI to restructure forestry business in the Kingdom of Swaziland
SAPPI: Intended closure of Sappi Usutu Pulp Mill and restructuring of forestry business in the Kingdom of Swaziland in response to market conditions and forest fire damage.
UPM and Sveza to postpone realization of project in Vologda region for 2 years
UPM-Kymmene (Finland) and Sveza Group postponed realization of the project on construction of a large timber industrial complex in the Vologda region for 2 years.
The new deputy minister of forestry in Ontario says the old days of the forestry industry are over and the leaders and the workers of that industry have to look for new directions and new ideas if the North is to profit from the vast quantities of wood fibre that remainin our
Huge European Pulp&Paper closures expected in 2010?
CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA, Okt. 23, 2009 (Viewpoint) - North American coated paper markets have come a long way toward closing the gaping hole between supply and demand that opened up as a result of the collapse in magazines and catalogs. A gap of more than 2.0 million tons (annualized) opened up between actual capacity and the normal level of capacity that would be needed to support a 95% operating rate in North America. Producers coped with this problem by shutting even more capacity and taking massive amounts of downtime at their remaining mills.
LONDON, Okt. 20, 2009 (RISI) - I have just returned from a very hectic week long tour of three of Asia Pulp & Paper (APP) Indonesia's facilities on the islands of Java and Sumatra, complete with helicopter overviews, and even an earthquake thrown in at the end to really keep us on our toes!
Study shows trees have impact on Georgia’s economy
As Americans mark National Forest Products Week from Oct. 18-24, a new report shows Georgia’s forest products industry has a significant impact on the state’s economy.
Son of Black Liquor: A $50 Billion Loophole for the U.S. Pulp and Paper Industry
For the second time in a year, the U.S. pulp and paper industry has hijacked a multi-billion dollar federal program that was supposed to promote new biofuels.
What's being called Son of Black Liquor dwarfs the original black-liquor loophole that created such a stir in Congress and among Canadian officials earlier this year.
Forest-based sector to search for fresh business opportunities
Oct 15 2009 A research conference for the European forest-based industry and cluster will focus on the creation of new business opportunities for the sector. The event will be held in Stockholm on 9-11 November 2009.
Most pulp and paper producers have built up significant in-house logistics operations alongside their core business, reflecting the specialized nature of forest products transportation.