Hardwood fiber costs for the global pulp industry increased over 15% in 2009
Seattle, USA. February 2010. Pulp markets have been remarkably strong during 2009 despite the global financial crisis. From April through December, the softwood market pulp price (NBSK) jumped 45%.
Newspapers Are Greener Than Web News, Says Environmental Expert
Which is greener, getting news online or reading a newspaper? For environmental expert and activist Sarah Westervelt, the obvious answer is the printed newspaper.
Canada: Forestry industry must diversify, capitalize on demand for green energy
MONTREAL - The federal government can help rescue Canada's battered forestry industry and thousands of jobs by providing $1.5 billion in funds to encourage diversification to new eco-friendly uses such as biochemicals and bio energy, says a new study released Monday.
International Paper Puts $2 Billion on Its Black Liquor Tab
Studying the fine print of tax legislation helped International Paper earn more than $2 billion last year in black liquor credits from the federal government.
According to the Ministry of Economic Development, fiberboard production output decreased by 26.1%, of chipboards – by 20.7%, plywood – by 18.7%, sawn timber 12.2%, door and window units – by 33.4 and 46.1% respectively.
Finland to invest about 20 mln EUR in projects realized in the neighboring Russian areas
Finland is to invest about 20 mln EUR in projects realized in the neighboring Russian areas, in particular, St. Petersburg, Leningrad, Murmansk, Arkhangelsk regions, and Karelia.