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Illegale Holzschlägerungen

Issue date: 
December 19, 2011

Is the Russian Forest Code a warning for Brazil?

Brazil, which last week moved to reform its Forest Code, may find lessons in Russia's revision of its forest law in 2007, say a pair of Russian scientists.

Issue date: 
December 23, 2011

Laos & Vietnam: The real chainsaw massacre

A new documentary film follows investigators from the Environmental Investigation Agency on a dangerous mission to uncover the stages of the illicit timber trade in Vietnam and Laos.

Issue date: 
December, 15 2011

Timber traffickers targeted by forest management body

HA NOI — The forest management sector is planning stricter measures to fight timber trafficking following a recent spate of illegal activities.

Issue date: 
5 December 2011

Africa's Shrinking Forests Need Urgent Help, Climate Change Talks Hear (AfDB)

Forests take up a huge amount of the continent, but are one of Africa's most misunderstood and undervalued natural resources.

Issue date: 
November 27, 2011

Seizures From Illegal Indonesian Loggers Show Deforestation Impact

Kubu Raya, West Kalimantan. With millions of hectares of forests being cleared each year to make way for palm-oil plantations, even illegal loggers are now starting to see the impact of dwindling rainforests in Indonesia.

Unlike previous years when illegal loggers were spotted with top quality wood, the National Police this year have only been able to seize low quality goods during a series of raids conducted between Nov. 8 and Nov. 26.

Issue date: 
17 Nov 2011

China’s Appetite for Wood Takes a Heavy Toll on Forests

More than half of the timber now shipped globally is destined for China. But unscrupulous Chinese companies are importing huge amounts of illegally harvested wood, prompting conservation groups to step up boycotts against rapacious timber interests. by william laurance - 360.yale.edu

In Chinese folklore, a dragon symbolizes strength. It is an apt icon for a nation whose rise as an economic superpower has been nothing short of meteoric.

Issue date: 
November 17, 2011

Progress Has Been Made In Negotiations Of VPA With EU

Malaysia and the European Union (EU) have made progress in talks on the Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA), said Minister of Plantation Industries and Commodities, Tan Sri Bernard Giluk Dompok.

However, he said, the different forestry laws in Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak, needed to be ironed out before an agreement could be reached.

Issue date: 

Comments on Viet Nam's timber legality definition VPA/FLEGT

We would highly appreciate it if the contributions could be documented and sent to MARD at Tong cuc Lam nghiep, No. 2 Ngoc Ha, Ha Noi; fax 38438793 or email to nguyenminhthuong.vnforest@gmail.com by 1 December 2011.

Timber legality definition draft 4

Issue date: 
26 Nov 2011

Sierra Leone: Timber!

Illegal logging is laying waste to Sierra Leone’s endangered forests.

Issue date: 
November 17, 2011

Survey on deforestation and governance by APNEG

The Asia Pacific Network for Environmental Governance (APNEG) invites readers to participate in their survey. The survey is on Governance and economic incentives for reducing the contribution of tropical deforestation to climate change.



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by Dr. Radut