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Issue date: 
May 24, 2011

To adapt, to mitigate or both alike? Congo Basin forests in a policy dilemma

YAOUNDE, Cameroon (24 May, 2011)_Bringing together researchers, policymakers, civil society and practitioners on development issues is quite challenging. Particularly more challenging is policy response towards climate change adaptation and mitigation in Congo Basin forests.

Issue date: 
May 24th, 2011


Issue date: 
23 May 2011

Tanzania: National Forest Policy

Issue date: 
25 May 2011

The Komi Republic to start the assessment of its bioenergy potential

Issue date: 

Amnesty for illegal rainforest loggers moves forward in Brazil

A controversial bill environmentalists say could increase deforestation in the Amazon rainforest moved a step forward to becoming law in Brazil after winning approval in Brazil's lower house of Congress.

The measure, which has been hotly debated for months, next goes to the Senate where it is expected to pass, before heading to President Dilma Rousseff, who has vowed to veto any bill that grants amnesty for illegal deforestation. The bill includes such a measure, although it could be subject to change before a final decision by the president.

Issue date: 
May 19, 2011

Sappi's Ngodwana Mill Near Nelspruit, South Africa, to add 210,000 tons of Chemical Cellulose Production During Expansion and Modernisation Project

Issue date: 
May 20, 2011

European Parliament adopts report on the Commission Green Paper on Forest Protection and Information

The European Parliament (EP) adopted (at its sitting on 11 May 2011) the Report on the Commission Green Paper on forest protection and information in the EU - preparing forests for climate change . The report was drafted by Kriton Arsenis (Greece, Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats).

Issue date: 
May 20, 2011

Local Forest Management and Climate Change Mitigation in Burkina Faso

Issue date: 
May 16, 2011

Is REDD+ the right route for conservation organisations?

Issue date: 
20 May 2011

Registration for first Indian REDD project expected soon


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by Dr. Radut