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External News

Issue date: 
May 17th, 2011

Ontario passes Ontario Forest Tenure Modernization Act

Ontario passed its Ontario Forest Tenure Modernization Act (Bill 151) in its legislature today.

The Act changes the forest tenure system and provides a more competitive market environment in the allocation and pricing of Crown timber.

Issue date: 
May 17th, 2011

Transportation bottleneck in British Columbia

Wood products from British Columbia traditionally have moved south to the United States by way of rail or truck, and to a lesser degree, by sea.

Issue date: 
May 31, 2011

Rethink growth with forest capital

Issue date: 
May 10, 2011

Chainsaw Milling: Domestic Unregulated Deforestation Agents or Local Entrepreneurs?

Issue date: 
May 10, 2011

REDD Rag to Indigenous Forest Dwellers

MEXICO CITY, May 10, 2011 (IPS) - The implementation of a forestry programme against climate change in the southern Mexican state of Chiapas poses a threat to indigenous people in the state, non-governmental organisations warn.

Issue date: 
May 6, 2011

Tenure in REDD: Start-point or afterthought?

Every month we highlight a new, groundbreaking or bestselling IIED research outcome. This month we feature a ground breaking IIED publication Tenure in REDD: Start-point or afterthought? 

Issue date: 
May 6, 2011

Commission underlines its commitment to helping world’s least developed countries out of poverty

Issue date: 
May 6, 2011

Forests May Spur Financial Rewards, Curb Climate Change, UN Says

The world’s forests may spur financial rewards and risk management opportunities as a way to curb climate change, according to the United Nations.

Issue date: 
06 May 2011

United Nations rallies private sector for forestry protection investment

Merrill Lynch chief says REDD scheme investors face risks equivalent to "emerging markets squared"

Issue date: 
May 5, 2011

Our limited forests of infinite value

It is a pretty well accepted truth that "He who ignores history is doomed to repeat it."


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by Dr. Radut