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Issue date: 

Andritz negotiates new major order in Uruguay

Andritz informs about new orders: The company and Montes del Plata, a joint venture company of Stora Enso and Arauco, are in advanced negotiations towards concluding a contract for supply of production technologies and equipment for the new pulp mill of Montes del Plata in Punta Pereira, Uruguay (capacity: 1.3 million t/a eucalyptus market pulp), Andritz says. It was agreed not disclose the order value; however typical order values of comparable reference projects are between 750 to 800 mn Euros, Andritz says.

Are UK companies keen on contributing to sustainable forestry?

Last weekend (4.2.2011/5.2.2011) we had been witnesses of some interesting information campaign in the UK:

Issue date: 
08 February 2011

Morocco calls for promoting sustainable forest management in Africa

Morocco's Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Ambassador Mohamed Loulichki stressed the need for taking measures to promote sustainable forest management in Africa through setting up a global funding mechanism.

Issue date: 
08 February 2011

Forestry sector pushes plan, not ban

The forestry sector said the government should implement plans on the classification of the country’s forests and on the adoption of watershed and ecosystem as well as conduct multi-sectoral community approaches to promote holistic and sustainable forestry activities.

Issue date: 
08 February 2011

Fiji works on Sustainable Forest Management

With financial and technical support from our regional and international development partners, Fiji has continued to further the implementation of Sustainable Forest Management.

In 2007, the Government passed a new forest policy that has sustainable forest management as its foundation.

In 2008, Fiji started the process of revising our forest laws to implement the new direction under the new forest policy.

Issue date: 
08 February 2011

Save the Yunnan golden monkey through community outreach

Project Summary

The Laojunshan Nature Reserve (LNR), located in the northwest of China’s Yunnan Province, is in the Three Parallel Rivers Region, which was named a World Heritage site in July 2003. Comprising four counties (Yulong, Jiangchuan, Weixi, and Lanping), each with different land management laws, the LNR faces myriad and complicated management issues. From June 2003 to March 2005, Rare partnered with The Nature Conservancy to support campaign manager Angela Cun to run a Pride campaign in the LNR.


Issue date: 
08 February 2011

SUSTAINABILITY Fuelling the future, and your fire

It may come as something of a surprise to many people that one of Co Mayo’s most realisable long-term energy resource options, especially in terms of benefits to local communities and local economies, is the development of sustainable forestry. 
A research project I was involved in a few years ago (the Mayo Energy Audit) found that Co Mayo could meet over one third of its total heating requirements from wood produced in sustainably managed deciduous woodland, in combination with a smaller area of coniferous plantation.

Issue date: 
7 February 2011

Govt Designs Strategies to Curb Deforestation

Maputo — The Mozambican government and its partners are looking at the current level of deforestation and at new strategies to reverse the trend.

Issue date: 
February 8, 2011

Kenyan Carbon Project Earns First-Ever Voluntary REDD Credits

The US-based conservation consultancy Wildlife Works Carbon won the race to issue the world’s first offset credits for the voluntary carbon market from a project designed to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD).

One billion trees planted

Brinkman & Associates Reforestation LTD - watch the video to get an ideo of the Canadian sustainable forestry system...


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by Dr. Radut