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External News

Issue date: 

Approaches to Classifying and Restoring Degraded Tropical Forests for the Anticipated REDD+ Climate Change Mitigation Mechanism

Inclusion of improved forest management as a way to enhance carbon sinks in the Copenhagen Accord of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (December 2009) suggests that forest restoration will play a role in global climate change mitigation under the post-Kyoto agreement.

Issue date: 
December 2010

Co-Benefits of Sustainable Forest Management in Biodiversity Conservation and Carbon Sequestration


Issue date: 
December 3, 2010

The forest industry saved Sweden from the financial crisis

But the question is whether the Swedish economy can rely on the forest ahead?

Issue date: 
December 4, 2010

Wikileak document reveal how the Russia's Forest Mafia operates

The US cables reveal the problem with illegally harvesting and how Chinese and Russian logging companies operates. According to the cables smugglers use different methods to illicitly export illegal  timber, most of which are able to pass through customs inspections and established border cro

Issue date: 
November 28, 2010

Forest Carbon Must-Reads for Cancún

Issue date: 
December 3rd, 2010

World’s largest wood pellet plant planned

Vyborgskaya Cellulose, a Russian pulp and paper maker, said that it expected to start producing pellets that can be used in heat and electricity generation from its plant in Vyborg by the end of the year reports Tree Frog Daily Forestry NewsThe plant, located in northwest Russia, wil

Issue date: 
December 1, 2010

New website shows how demand for paper products contributes to forest growth

An awareness campaign entitled Go Paper.

Issue date: 
December 2, 2010

Innovative wood preservatives gives mold and fire protection

Industry web Woodnet.se writes a long article about an eco-friendly wood preservative that gives both flame and mold protection, and it is also sustainable. With preservatives the timber gets a permanent protection against both decay as fire.

Issue date: 
December 3rd, 2010

EU - Russia deal could end log export tariffs

Reuters reported this week that Russia and the European Union struck a deal on Wednesday to phase out Russian export tariffs on raw materials.This is designed to smooth the way for Moscow’s entry into the WTO.

Issue date: 
25 November 201

New IFM method to boost forest restoration

A second improved forest management (IFM) project methodology has been approved for use with the Voluntary Carbon Standard, an important step in applying carbon market finance to the restoration of degraded native tropical forests.

The methodology was produced by project developer Face the Future to measure the carbon emissions reductions generated by its rehabilitation project in the severley damaged Infapro rainforest in Malaysia’s Sabah province on Borneo.


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by Dr. Radut