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Issue date: 
November 2010

REDD-plus Finance

Seven major bilateral and multilateral funding initiatives have recently been created to support the new concept of Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation.

Issue date: 
28 November 2010

Forest carbon rights in REDD+ countries: a snapshot of Africa

The world's forests are disappearing at an alarming rate. Not only does this endanger biodiversity and the livelihoods of forest-dependent communities, it is a major contributing factor to global climate change. It is a challenge that needs to be addressed – urgently.

Issue date: 
November 29, 2010

Tree fungus – 4,700 acres to be felled

Seven square miles of woodland are to be wiped from the West landscape as the battle to control a virulent tree-killing fungus intensifies.

Issue date: 

Brazil forest concession area exceeds 1m hectares

More than one million hectares of prime Amazon Rainforest land in Brazil has been made available for a programme of forestry concessions, according to the Brazilian Forest Service (SFB).

The area involved in the programme is spread over seven areas within the states of Rondonia and Pará, and is estimated to have a total potential timber production value of approximately 850,000 cubic metres every year.

Issue date: 
November 29, 2010

B.C. invites public review of forestry offset rules

VANCOUVER - The B.C. government is releasing proposed requirements for forest-based carbon offset projects that could help unlock new revenue for forest managers and help industry reduce emissions, Pat Bell, Minister of Forests, Mines and Lands announced recently.

Issue date: 
November 29, 2010

Biomass power plant at juncture

As a new administration prepares to take office in Madison, with a different attitude toward renewable energy than the Doyle administration, We Energies is pressing forward with plans to build a wood-burning power plant in north-central Wisconsin.

Issue date: 
December 1, 2010

Finland overhauls timber price information data

More detailed price information, including data broken down by felling type, is to be published by Finland’s forest industry in a bid to help timber sales.

Issue date: 
29 November 2010

The role of the World Bank in carbon markets: The Carbon Finance Unit

Issue date: 
November 30, 2010

Três Lagoas will host the two largest pulp mills in the world

Brazilian Valonline reports today that Marcelo Castelli, director at Fibria Cellulose SA with eucalyptus plantings in the city Três Lagoas (In the state Mato Groso de Sul) will maintain the schedule for opening of the second line of factory in 2014.

Issue date: 
November 30, 2010

40% more ethanol from cellulose-based raw materials

Yeast makes it possible to extract up to 40 percent more ethanol than before from cellulose-based raw materials from agriculture and forestry. After years of tests in laboratories ethanol company Sekab can prove that the new yeast works on a large scale reports the Swedish Science Radio.


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by Dr. Radut