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Issue date: 
Mar. 23, 2010

Chilean woodchip exports: maybe not down for long?


Issue date: 
March 23, 2010

ObamaCare's Black Liquor Tab: $23.6 Billion

Despite a Democratic Congressman almost ruining the scheme by committing a cardinal political sin – He told the truth! – the historic healthcare legislation President Obama signed today assumes $23.6 billion in savings from eliminating a mythical black liquor tax credit.

Issue date: 
DECEMBER 18, 2009

Indonesian Firm Picks Green Fuel Not Mill

JAKARTA—PT Medco Energi, Indonesia's largest private oil-and-gas producer, has scaled back plans for a large pulp and paper mill and other forestry investments in Indonesia's remote Papua province at a time of growing global concern over the impact of deforestation on climate change.

Issue date: 
22 Mar 2010

The challenges of managing high expectations for REDD-plus

Civil society, government organizations and local communities in many tropical rainforest nations have started REDD-plus preparation planning with a lot enthusiasm, eager to take part in this proposed global mechanism for the reduction of forest-related CO2 emissions.

Issue date: 
March 22, 2010

UN-REDD Policy Board visit to Kikuyu Escarpment Forests

The KFS recently played host to about 50 UNDP visitors in the Kikuyu Escarpment, all of who are members of the UN REDD Policy Board.

Issue date: 
23 Mar 2010

A Pioneering Biologist Discusses The Keys to Forest Conservation

During a half-century of studying Central American forests, Daniel Janzen has witnessed the steady destruction of tropical woodlands. In an interview with Yale Environment 360, the noted conservation biologist discusses his ambitious plans to use 21st-century technology to engage the public and halt forest loss.

Issue date: 
24th March 2010

Sappi plans R814m empowerment deal

Paper and pulp manufacturer Sappi on Wednesday announced a proposed R814-million broad-based black economic-empowerment (BBBEE) deal that would benefit employees and communities surrounding its mills and plantations in South Africa.

CEO Ralph Boëttger said in a conference call that the deal was an important milestone for the group and would translate into the empowerment of about 30% of its South African business.

Issue date: 

Business should get credit for saving forests, coalition says

Power companies should get credit under a climate change bill for forest conservation, a coalition of groups said Monday.

Companies also should get credit for supporting farming activites that reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the groups said.

Issue date: 
24 March 2010

New issue of MOST Digest - Russian Timber Industry

Business Support Bureau Runa monitors the Russian timber industry and the market for hot topics, news, expert opinion and relevant information and provides you with the most relevant and interesting information in the form of a free digest - to help you make the right business decision.

Issue date: 
March 22, 2010

China lumber sales set new record

VANCOUVER — China's appetite for British Columbia lumber grew at a record pace in 2009 in volume and value, providing sawmillers here with a needed new market to counter stumbling American demand.


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by Dr. Radut