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External News

Issue date: 
March 14, 2010

Timber industry threatened by unwanted, invasive weed

A $494,000 U.S. Department of Agriculture grant will study how the spread of cogongrass af­fects Alabama's pine forests.

Issue date: 

InterCooperation: Forests, landscapes and governance

This publication brings together the views and experiences of practitioners working in forestry and governance in a large number of countries around the world.

Issue date: 
March - 11 - 2010

Canada Keeps Their Lumberjacks Happy

Last week $100 million was given to the forestry industry in Canada for new green energy technologies. This makes it the only industry in the federal budget to receive targeted money from Ottawa.

Issue date: 
10 March 2010

Sawmill No.1 to be launched in Komi Republic

A Moscow-based group of investors chose Jartek to deliver a sawmill for a Sawmill №1 that is to be constructed in Kazluk (Komi Republic, Russia). There were several international enterprises competing for this project, resulting in a long and tough bargaining process.

Issue date: 
10th, 2010


Softwood lumber prices were up in both North America and Europe in the 4Q, but it was more the result of lower inventory levels and reduced production rather than an increase in demand, reports the Wood Resource Quarterly. The hot market for lumber last year was China, which increased imports by 75% thereby passing Japan as the largest importer in Asia.Seattle, USA. March, 2010.

Issue date: 

Pulp Supply in Crisis – Paper Supply Reduced


Issue date: 
February 5, 2010

Will REDD Really Be Cheap?

An international system that enables countries to earn carbon credits by reducing emissions from deforestation and degradation (REDD) will almost certainly be a prominent feature of whatever post-2012 international climate architecture emerges from ongoing negotiations.

Issue date: 
March 8, 2010

Getting REDD Ready to Cross the Finish Line

It's hard to imagine with all the progress REDD has achieved, that it all started less than 20 years ago with the Rio Summit in '92, when the makings of a global sustainability architecture in the form of a climate treaty began to take shape. But a forestry treaty had yet to happen.

Issue date: 
Thursday 11 March

Noel Kempff project is 'saving the forest' by forcing destruction elsewhere

Forest conservation project in Bolivia proves that unless a nation as a whole cuts deforestation, individual carbon offset schemes are worthless.

Issue date: 
Mär. 9, 2010

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by Dr. Radut