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Issue date: 
Jan 22, 2010

Study projects increased conflict and speculation in tropical forests despite Copenhagen Accord

LONDON (22 January 2010)—As environmental and political leaders struggle to determine how to move forward from the UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen, a new report by an international coalition of top forest organizations

POST Copenhagen: state of affairs in Mid January 2010

January 21, 2010: Copenhagen deal falters as just 20 countries of 192 sign up to declare their global warming strategies

Issue date: 
January 20, 2010

The PPP’s unsubstantiated attacks on Guyanese citizens at home and abroad brings discredit to our nation

Climate change has no borders. The PPP’s unsubstantiated attack on Guyanese citizens who are playing their part to address this issue at home and abroad brings discredit to our nation

Issue date: 
Monday, 11 January 2010

Forestry report urges province to manage carbon storage

Maximizing the carbon stored in B.C.'s forests could provide benefits both economically and environmentally over the long-term, says a new report, Managing B.C.'s Forests for a Cooler Planet.

Issue date: 

Forest managment planning in the Congo Basin Rainforests

Forest management planning in Congo Basin rainforests : a critical analysis of the state of art and design of a new planning system as a contribution to sustainable forest management

Issue date: 
January 21, 2010

Baikal Pulp and Paper mill can restart production

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has decreed that a paper mill on the shores of Siberia's Lake Baikal can restart production despite years of complaints about pollution of the world's largest freshwater lake.

Issue date: 
Thursday, 21 January 2010

New sawmill facility in Tyumen

CJSC Zagros launched sawmill in Zavodoukovsk (Tyumen region).

Issue date: 
Thursday, January 21, 2010

The national US forest harvest

Over the past 20 years there have been many changes impacting the output of our nation's timberland but none have impacted it as much as the management of our National Forests. First, let’s talk big numbers and try to put the whole thing into perspective.

Clark Labs Announces the Creation of a New Blog on REDD

Worcester, MA -  Clark Labs is pleased to announce the creation of a blog devoted to utilizing its GIS technology for REDD applications. The development of REDD projects requires robust modeling tools to address the inherent complexities of such projects. REDD initiatives and pilot projects are currently underway by many organizations at various sites, and Clark Labs continues to play a key role in areas such as training, advising and software development.  

Issue date: 
January 21st, 2010

The Carbon Credit Deal Between South Africa’s Nedbank and Wildlife Works



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by Dr. Radut