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Forest carbon

Issue date: 
September 1, 2010

The Risks and Rewards of REDD+

While opinions vary about what exactly good forest governance means, participants in the Oaxaca workshop dealing with this subject agreed passionately that it is critical if REDD+ is to succeed in creating powerful new financia

Issue date: 
September 3, 2010

Money Alone Can’t Save the Forests

REDD+ was conceived primarily as a financial mechanism for reducing carbon emissions caused by forest destruction. So, logically the negotiations taking place under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) have focused increasingly on money.

Issue date: 
September 5, 2010

Global warming science is still evolving — but not in the direction the disinformers think

The WSJ pushed a new meme in its editorial, “Climate of Uncertainty:  Global warming s

Issue date: 
September 3, 2010

Bridging the Divide between the Forestry and Financial Worlds

While it is true that trees do not grow just on money but under carefully crafted governance conditions, REDD+ funding does represent an important opportunity to promote sustainable forest management.

Issue date: 
September 9, 2010

TNC and Idesam launch Latin America REDD+ Project Guides

The Nature Conservancy and the Institute for Conservation and Sustainable Development of Amazonas (IDEs) are launching, with the German Technical Cooperation (GTZ), the Guide to REDD+ Projects in Latin America, with the aim of identifying the structure and operation of REDD projects - Reducti

Issue date: 
06 September 2010

Forest carbon stores may be massively overestimated

Rainforests may store much less carbon than we thought. It could be time to dramatically revise our estimates following the discovery that apparently similar forests hold vastly different amounts of the stuff.

Issue date: 
August 25, 2010

An Integrated REDD Offset Program (IREDD) for Nesting Projects under Jurisdictional Accounting

Aichi-Nagoya Ministerial Meeting on REDD+ Partnership


(26 October 2010, Nagoya, Aichi, Japan)

Issue date: 
September 7th, 2010

REDD Revenues: Learning from Peru

Lessons for REDD Revenues: Peru’s experiences from the Camisea project could prove instructive for REDD as the international community ramps up efforts to provide a financial compensation mechanism for developing country actions to reduce emissions from forest loss.

Issue date: 
September 3, 2010

Kenya’s REDD+ Readiness

Climate Focus is helping Kenya become one of the first developing nations in Africa to receive REDD+ financing to conserve and restore its forests.


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by Dr. Radut