Aichi-Nagoya Ministerial Meeting on REDD+ Partnership
(26 October 2010, Nagoya, Aichi, Japan)
1. Background
As reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries (REDD+) has the crucial role to tackle against climate change, the necessity of taking immediate actions to scale up REDD+ actions and financing was broadly recognized by the international community. General agreement was made in Paris Ministerial Meeting in March to establish an interim mechanism for enhanced coordination on REDD+ assistance. Oslo Conference on Forest and Climate in May was a milestone for the international effort on REDD+, as it agreed the establishment of "REDD+ Partnership".
2. Objective
The main objectives of the Ministerial Meeting are (1) to review achievement of actions and financing taken under the Partnership since its establishment and (2) to discuss the way to strengthen and to further improve the implementation of the Partnership.
The Government of Japan expects to provide strong political momentum for the success of the COP16 by showing constructive and concrete action-oriented process of the Partnership implementation. The Government of Japan hopes that the Partners will recognize that forest conservation provides co-benefits of biodiversity conservation and climate change mitigation, and expects to provide strong political momentum for the success of the CBD-COP10 as well.
3. Program of the Meeting
- Mon. October 25th
- 8:00- 9:00 Dialogue with stakeholders
9:00-17:00 Technical Workshop - Tues. October 26th
- Morning Session: The Ministers will review the achievements under each element of theWork Program of 2010, namely the establishment of voluntary database, analysis of financing gaps and overlaps, effectiveness of multilateral REDD+ Initiatives, sharing experiences/best practices and promote/facilitate cooperation and enabling institutions. As appropriate, the Ministers will endorse the reports produced through workshops. The discussions will take into account the aspect of promoting safeguards.
Afternoon Session: Based on the review of the achievements during this year, the Ministers will consider the way to improve the implementation of the current measures taken under the Partnership. Also, the possible ways on further development on 2011-2012 will be discussed. At the end of the discussions, the Ministers will be expected to endorse the Work Program of 2011-2012 if appropriate. - Venue
- Nagoya, Aichi (Consulting with CBD Secretariat to reserve the Century Hall at Nagoya Congress Centre during the above-mentioned time)
4. Focus of the comments
The statements by the representatives of Partners, organizations or stakeholders are expected to focus on the following themes:
- Review and evaluation on the whole process and on the achievements of the Partnership since Oslo along with the Work Program of 2010. It could also cover wider range of process since COP15, Paris, Oslo, Brasilia, Bonn and Tianjin meeting.
- The expectation on the next steps which should be implemented under the Partnership. It includes the views on the ways of improvements on the current implementation and on the possible elements and approaches of the Work Program of 2011- 2012.
- The expression of the willingness of contribution to the Partnership is always more than welcome.
5. Expected Outcome
Co-chairs are going to issue a chairs' summary which outline the core elements of discussions during the meeting. Reports produced as a result of workshops and the work plan on 2011-2012 adopted at the technical level could be endorsed by the Ministers.