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Forest products

Issue date: 
May 13th, 2010

Bharatbook.com : Comprehensive analysis on Forestry and Wood Processing Industry in China

Report on the Analysis of Development of Forestry Industry and Wood Processing Industry in China

Background of the Research

Issue date: 
July 14th, 2010

Analysis Of Development Of Forestry Industry And Wood Processing Industry In China Proposal

Since 1949, China has completed six national forest resources inventories. According to the result of the sixth forest resources inventory (1999-2003), there is 175 million hectares of forests, 13.618 billion of living trees accumulate, 12.456 billion cubic meters of forests accumulate, and 18.21% of forest coverage which is nearly 10% higher than 8.6% after the founding of new China. The forest area of China ranks the fifth in the world; the forests accumulate ranks the sixth in the world; the area of man-made forests is 53.2573 million hectares and ranks the first in the world.

Issue date: 
August 24, 2010

B.C. forest industry’s losses may be at an end: conference board

VANCOUVER — The signs are glimmers of hope that British Columbia’s forestry-driven industries may be at the end of years of punishing losses and high unemployment, according to reports released Tuesday by the Conference Board of Canada.

Much of Canada’s wood-products sector has returned to profitability this year, the Conference Board said in its Canadian Industrial Profile-Summer 2010, published in collaboration with the Business Development Bank of Canada.

Issue date: 

Chile joins Brazil in raising S.America's investment potential

Investing experts are predicting that Brazil will be joined by Chile in leading the way for new, profitable investment opportunities in South America.

The abundant natural resources in Brazil – including timber and minerals – as well as the planned work to give it a global quality infrastructure, a strong currency and excellent showing during the global recession, have made it an attractive prospect for wealth creation opportunities.

Issue date: 
August 24, 2010

Congress and Paper Companies Covet 'Son of Black Liquor' Funds

The “Son of Black Liquor” tax credits will probably cost American taxpayers hundreds of millions, if not billions, of additional dollars, but Congress might grab the money without paper manufacturers getting a dime.

Seven publicly traded paper companies have estimated that they will net about $570 million from the IRS’ recent ruling that made black liquor eligible for Cellulosic Biofuel Producer credits (CBPC), reports the Press-Register of Mobile, Alabama. Leading the way are Weyerhaeuser with $240 million (pre-tax) and Domtar with $200 million.

The other 14 publicly traded producers of black liquor, including the largest (International Paper), have not released such projections, partly because of uncertainty about exactly what the June 28 ruling means. (See Pulp Manufacturers Scratching Their Heads Over Son of Black Liquor Ruling for more information about these uncertainties.)

Meanwhile, the IRS’ “generosity” toward companies that produce, and burn, black liquor as part of their pulp-making operations has caught the eye of Congress, writes Jeremiah Coder for Tax Analysts. “The agency’s administrative largesse appears to be prompting members of Congress to consider legislation to retroactively disallow biofuel credits for black liquor claims.”

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Issue date: 
16 August 2010

UNECE region recorded largest ever fall in wood consumption

In 2009, the UNECE region (which includes Europe, North America and the CIS) experienced an 11.6% fall in consumption of wood and paper products, the largest year-on-year drop since the oil crisis of the 1970s. This is a key conclusion of the Forest Products Annual Market Review 2009-2010 jointly published by the UNECE and FAO earlier this month. 

Annual Review and Assessment of the World Timber Situation 2009

ITTO's Annual Review and Assessment of the World Timber Situation compiles the most up-to-date and reliable international statistics available on global production and trade of timber, with an emphasis on the tropics.

Issue date: 
Aug. 16, 2010

Real Wood Floors: Going Green Can Be a Work of Art

ST. LOUIS, Mo., Aug. 16 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- There is no doubt that solid strip oak floors are still the overwhelming preference for most homeowners in the United States, and the reason is clear. Wood floors offer the most environmentally friendly flooring option available on the market. But wood floors are much more than just another green product; they also can be beautiful works of art.

Issue date: 
Aug. 12, 2010

Trying to assess the magnitude of pulp closures in China

LONDON, Aug. 12, 2010 (RISI) - This week the Chinese government, following up on an announcement made on May 27 of this year, released a final list of 279 pulp and paper mills at which capacity is to be removed as part of its broader program of closing small, inefficient manufacturing operations across many industries that pose problems with respect to high levels of pollution or energy consumption.

Issue date: 
13 August 2010

Arkhangelsk region to get new project

Novye Lesnye Technologies (New Timber Technologies, St. Petersburg) is to invest over RUR11.8 mln (€ 300 th.) in construction of a mill for advanced timber processing in the Arkhangelsk region.

The mill is to produce wooden boards and chipboards with annual capacity making up 250 th. cubic meters and 325 th. cubic meters respectively.

Besides, the mill will have a sawmilling facility (100 th. cubic meters per year) and glued log production (15 th. cubic meters per year).


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by Dr. Radut