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Issue date: 
January 3, 2011


Many trees are private goods. If you own some, you can probably do whatever you want with them. As a rational economic actor, you can respond effectively to incentives.

Issue date: 

Patrick Bond: Climate change

THE recent Cancun climate- change agreements’ fatal flaw is simple: faith in fickle markets.

Issue date: 
Dec 27, 2010

Sacrificing the Rainforest on the Altar of Energy

LIMA, Dec 27, 2010 (IPS/IFEJ) - The construction of five hydroelectric dams in Peru as part of an energy deal with Brazil will do considerable damage to the environment, such as the destruction of nearly 1.5 million hectares of jungle over the next 20 years, according to an independent study.

More than 1,000 km of roads will have to be carved out of primary and secondary forests to build the dams and power plants and put up power lines, says the report, carried out by engineer José Serra for ProNaturaleza, a leading conservation organisation in Peru.

Issue date: 
Jan, 02 2011

Devising state-level climate change responses

Issue date: 
01 Jan 2011

Forest Department seeks local wisdom

BHUBANESWAR: Its jungles as well as protection staff under increasing attack, Forest Department of the State is all set to add local wisdom and intelligence to its protection measures this new year.

Issue date: 
3 January 2011

Forest of Dean protesters fight big woodland selloff

There's been nothing quite like it in the ancient Forest of Dean since the last time a Conservative government tried to privatise Britain's largest oak forest.

Sustainable Forest Management for Poverty Reduction Through Agroforestry Options

In Bangladesh, the massive growth rate of population has intensified pressure on forest resources throughout the country. The forest coverage of Bangladesh is one of the lowest and the deforestation rate  is the highest of any country in the world.

Issue date: 
31 December 2010

Biodiversity conservation: 'beyond business' CSR

This year was the International year of Biodiversity. Next year has been declared the year of forests.

Issue date: 
30 December 2010

Nigeria: Deforestation - Cutting Down Our Lives

Climate change is no longer an abstract term or a scientific jargon with no local, humane touch.

Issue date: 
January 02, 2011

Environment Ministry implementing mega forestry projects: Afridi

ISLAMABAD: Federal Minister for Environment Hameedullah Jan Afridi said on Saturday that the Ministry of Environment was implementing mega forestry projects in all the provinces for preservation and expansion of forest wealth in the country.

He stated this at the concluding ceremony of the 2nd three-day international conference on “Biodiversity is Our Life”, organised by the Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation (CBC) and Shah Abdul Latif University Khairpur.


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by Dr. Radut