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Issue date: 
December 14, 2010

New research project investigate the best fast-growing tree species for planting in Africa

The forest industry is important for the economic development of South Africa.

Issue date: 
December 8, 2010

Saving Forests with a Sense of Place

I was in the southern Mexican state of Oaxaca during one of Mexico’s best-known traditions, the Day of the Dead.

Issue date: 
07 December 2010

Building effective pro-poor REDD-plus interventions

IUCN has published a brochure on the contributions that enhanced multi-stakeholder dialogues can make to more effective and equitable REDD-plus planning.

Issue date: 
December 2010

Lessons learnt from FLEGT for REDD draft Summary

Destruction of forests is a significant contributor to climate change. Preserving forests helps mitigate global warming. These two facts explain why halting deforestation is a central part of much of the current negotiations on climate change, with an international binding forest climate agreement, or REDD+, forming a key part of discussions. Yet, such an agreement, even if well-designed, cannot by itself save the forests. Without reducing greenhouse gas emissions by between 85 and 95 percent by 2050, many forests, along with many other ecosystems, will be lost.
Issue date: 
6 December 2010

Challenges of Climate Change in the Mountains Highlighted

Experts from leading institutions and government organisations working in the field of climate change in the Himalayan region called attention to mountain issues and challenges in the light of climate change.

Issue date: 
11 December 2010

REDD+ Progresses, LULUCF Regresses in Cancún Agreements

11 December 2010 | CANCUN |  After two weeks of intense negotiations, another Conference of the Parties (COP) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) has come and gone. Working through Friday until the early hours of Saturday morning, bleary eyed delegates jetted home to 193 nations having signed the “Cancun Agreements.”

Issue date: 
December 10, 2010

U.N. forests deal stalls as climate talks remain deadlocked

(CNN) -- As talks at the United Nations climate summit enter their final hours, hopes of progress on key issues including the REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation) program appear to be fading.

Issue date: 
December 11, 2010

In Cancún, World Leaders Call for Quick Action on Forests

Major world leaders gathered today at an event sponsored by non-profit Avoided Deforestation Partners to call on the global community to work towards a speedy end to deforestation, a major source of global CO2 emissions and driver of climate change.

Issue date: 
December 11, 2010

Canada hails Cancun accord as building block for campaign aganst global warming

Issue date: 
December 9, 2010

ECO2 Forests planting in Europe

BOULDER - Sustainable forestry company ECO2 Forests Inc. has plans for two joint-venture projects in Europe - one in Turkey, the other in Bulgaria.

ECO2 Forests (Pinksheets: ECOF), with offices in Boulder and Queensland, Australia, signed an agreement with ECO PLUS Limited to grow a 1,200-acre forest in Izmir, Turkey, the company said in a press statement.


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by Dr. Radut