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Issue date: 
December 9th, 2010

British Columbia releases third State of the Forests Report

The most intensive and thorough report ever produced on the state of British Columbia‘s forests suggests sound laws and policies, including public reporting by an independent Forest Practices Board, are supporting sustainable forest management in British Columbia, Forests, Mi

Issue date: 
Dec 7, 2010

Ideological Foes Assail UN Forest Scheme from Two Sides

CANCUN, MEXICO -- The prospect of a deal on forest protection at the Cancun climate talks has galvanized pressure groups at either end of the ideological axis to take common aim at keeping the UN out of the rainforests.

Issue date: 
December 8, 2010

Cuts to forest service are too deep

There are many things that distinguish "supernatural" British Columbia from other jurisdictions. But one of the most enduring of them is its abundance of publicly owned lands.

Issue date: 
December 6, 2010

SATIIM: Adaption to Climate Change through Community-based Sustainable Forest Management

On Monday December 6, 2010, the Sarstoon Temash Institute for Indigenous Management (SATIIM) with funding from the Global Environmental Facility Trust Fund, which supports the Development Marketplace 2009 Global Competition, launched a project in Toledo entitled “ Building Q'eqchi' Maya Capacity, Flexibility, and Adaption to Climate Change through Community-based Sustainable Forest Management" in Belize. 

Issue date: 
Dec 3, 2010

Mexican foresters invoke less destructive logging

NOH-BEC, Mexico, Dec 3 (Reuters) - Community leaders managing a fragment of ancient Mexican jungle say their approach to logging precious hardwoods protects rare jaguar and may guide nearby U.N. climate talks seeking a forest blueprint.

Issue date: 
December 2010

Financing sustainable small-scale forestry

Policy issues and lessons from developing national forest financing strategies in Latin America

Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) Bogor, Indonesia

Issue date: 
December 2010

Co-Benefits of Sustainable Forest Management in Biodiversity Conservation and Carbon Sequestration


Issue date: 
December 3, 2010

The forest industry saved Sweden from the financial crisis

But the question is whether the Swedish economy can rely on the forest ahead?

Issue date: 
December 4, 2010

Wikileak document reveal how the Russia's Forest Mafia operates

The US cables reveal the problem with illegally harvesting and how Chinese and Russian logging companies operates. According to the cables smugglers use different methods to illicitly export illegal  timber, most of which are able to pass through customs inspections and established border cro

REDD+: The war over forests - all against all

One week of Cancun talks have passed by and I just can't stop wondering!

Seems the world gets more wired any time when people meet for negotiations on what should happen to forests.


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by Dr. Radut