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Climate change happens: beetles to destroy American forests

4.7.2009: America's 4 July bonfires served a dual purpose yesterday. They burned the wood of trees destroyed by a trio of bugs that are devastating parts of the nation's forests.

With 750 million acres of forests in the United States, the scale of the problem is massive. Since 1999, the country has lost, on average, 1 per cent of its tree cover per year. This means these small insects have killed about 10 per cent of all US forests in 10 years.

Issue date: 
June 28, 2009

New Zealand Eucalyptus for the U.S.

28 June 2009: A Quarter Million NZ Raised GE Eucalyptus Trees Intended for Planting in U.S; Soil &Health Association of New Zealand, (Est. 1941), Publishers of ORGANIC NZ

More than a quarter of a million genetically engineered (GE) eucalyptus trees exported from New Zealand stand to shred New Zealand’s clean, green brand and risk large-scale health and environmental damage, according to the Soil & Health Association of New Zealand.

India: Punjab forest dept to distribute one million seedings

Punjab forest dept to distribute 10 lakh seedings

Wednesday, 24 June 2009: CHANDIGARH: The Punjab Forest Department has decided to give a big push to agro-forestry in the State and would distribute 10 lac seedlings of fast-growing and economically important tree species such as Eucalyptus, Shisham and Drek.

Forestry returns outperform the rest over three years

London, 24th June 2009: Investment in forestry outperformed domestic commercial property and equities last year, producing a positive annual total return of 7.0%, eclipsed only by bonds, according to the IPD UK Forestry Index.By comparison, UK commercial property delivered -22.11%; UK equities returned -29.92%, while listed property companies and trusts were the most vulnerable to the global market downturn, returning -46.63% over 2008. Bonds, however, gained 154%.

Horse logging/Pferderückung

Prince Edward's Provinzregierung (Kanada) erlaubt jedermann die Holznutzung mit Pferden...

Montag, 20.4.2009: Totholz und minderwertige Holzsortimente gehören demjenigen, der das Holz mit Pferden aus dem Wald bringt. Er muss weder für das Holz noch für eine Holznutzungslizenz bezahlen. Ein interessanter Ansatz um Pferderückung in das Blickfeld der Öffentlichkeit zu rücken...

Government offer leads to horse logging comeback

Monday, 20th of April 2009: More forests on P.E.I. are being logged with the help of horses this year following an offer of free firewood.


Timberland Valuation and the global economic crises

The issue in today’s post concerns why the transaction price of timberland has shown little or no decline in value but the stock price of the publicly traded companies that own timberland has declined dramatically. I will also look at what I think is happening in the timberland market today and how I see the market for timberland investment. But first, let’s set the stage.

First FSC Certificate

FSC News+Notes, ISSUE 11, AUGUST 11, 2003

Crossing Boundaries through FSC Group

Certificate: GFA-FM/COC-2084

Managing Plantation Operations

From Establishment through Maintenance to Harvesting


10th Aniversary

25th of October 2008


The forest association Weilhart (WWGW) has been founded in 1998 by a couple of enthusiastic forest owners in the region of county Braunau, Flachgau, Altötting, Traunstein.

In the meantime more than 100 members have joined the association.

Main objects of the association are:

Plantation management

Timber plantations are of high importance for the future wood supply

"European global players on the pulp & paper market - most of them are the product of mega-mergers - have used their heft to go global. For starters, they have invested billions in new pulp mills in South America that are three times bigger than any in Canada. The ability to spread fixed costs over so much capacity is an unbeatable advantage.
The eucalyptus trees that feed these mills grow to maturity in less than a decade in the Brazilian and Uruguayan sun, compared to the 70 or 80 years it takes for Northern tree species in the US, Canada and Europe. The South American pulp is shipped back to Europe and turned into dozens of different grades of paper on the most modern and fastest machines in existence. The equipment is designed by Austrian ones at Andritz, Finnish ones at Metso or German ones at Voith."


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by Dr. Radut