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Issue date: 

Forest Management and Climate Change: A literature review

This document summarizes knowledge and experiences in forest management as a response to climate change,

Issue date: 
20 February 2012

Indigenous developed forest protection plan

Wapichan communities of Guyana, presented a proposal to the government of that country to give them the care of 1.4 million hectares of native forests. Its aim is to preserve and protect that area of industries that could threaten its

Issue date: 
March 10 2012

Tension as 15,000 ignore eviction notice

Tension over land ownership is brewing in Ssemabable District as at least 15,300 people, said to be encroachers in the area, continue to ignore an eviction order by the police and district leaders.

Issue date: 
March 5, 2012

Greenpeace and APP: Maybe Someday They’ll Even Be Friends

The long-running battle between Greenpeace and Asia Pulp & Paper (APP), a giant Indonesian paper company, is heating up again. But this time, there’s a new wrinkle: The two sides are being surprisingly nice to each other – at least for now.

Issue date: 
March 12th, 2012

British Columbia makes regulatory change allowing the removal of private land from woodlot licences

British Columbia has made an amendment to section 47.1 of their Forest Act that will allow private land to be removed from a woodlot.

Issue date: 
March 12, 2012

Africa Wildlife Foundation faces lawsuit from indigenous community in Kenya

Africa Wildlife Foundation (AWF), the conservation nonprofit based in Washington, DC, is facing a lawsuit by Kenya’s Samburu tribe over alleged unlawful evictions.

Issue date: 
March 22, 2012

Lessons for REDDplus: A comparative analysis of the German discourse on forest functions and the global ecosystem services debate

This paper compares the historic German discourse on forest functions with the current international debate on ecosystem services and analyzes the factors that may have triggered or inhibited the development and the institutionalization of both underlying concepts and subordinate debates.

Issue date: 
March 20, 2012

Protocols for the measurement, monitoring and reporting of structure, biomass and carbon stocks in mangrove forests

This report describes the approaches necessary for the measurement, monitoring and reporting of structure, biomass and carbon stocks in mangrove forests. Mangroves are coastal ecosystems providing numerous ecosystem services affecting both marine and terrestrial resources.

Issue date: 
March 22, 2012

Biorefinery an exciting sector for the forest industry

Future advancements in biorefinery are a focus of attention for most companies in the pulp and paper industry today.

Issue date: 
March 20, 2012

Belize enacts moratorium on rosewood

The Belizean Government has banned the harvesting and export of rosewood with immediate effect, in response to the widespread clearing of the hardwood species for the Asian market.


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by Dr. Radut