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Issue date: 
02 Mar 2012

EIB agrees loan for Chinese forestry projects

London, 2 March (Argus) – The European Investment Bank (EIB) will provide China with a €250mn ($330mn) loan to help fund forestry projects for climate change mitigation, the bank said on 1 March.

Issue date: 
December 9, 2011

Lessons from COP17: Linking REDD+ from Local to National Scales

A recent report from Forest Trends indicates that there are at least 260 active REDD+ projects in 42 countries. Each year since 2002, the number of REDD+ projects has grown at a consistent rate.

World Banks' new report on illegal logging

March, 2012: Once again a reputable organization comes up with a delusive and misleading statement. Apparently it seems to be a real brainteaser to understand the difference between illegal logging and deforestation. Just like the EU, World Bank came up with a text in which illegal logging and deforestation are used synonymously.

Pakistan has signed a MoU with UK based company on REDD+

One can read at various news messages (ONLINE International News NetworkPakistan Today) about the signing of a MoU between the Government of Pakistan and UK based Company Merlins Wood.

All of you might have read and heard about the first and most prominent rule for any REDD+ agreements: they should be based on FREE, PRIOR & INFORMED CONSENT.

Issue date: 
November 24, 2011


KAMPALA, Nov 24 (NNN-NEW VISION) -- PRESIDENT Yoweri Museveni has stopped the leasing of chunks of forest reserves to individuals to plant trees.

Issue date: 
6 Mar 2012

Merlins Wood signs MoU with KP and AJK govts

In order to implement the United Nations initiative on reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, known as UN-REDD with the goal of helping countries implement REDD+ strategies, Merlins Wood on Monday signed an MoU at a local hotel with the Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa to d

Issue date: 
07 Mar 2012

Bid to revive forests in Jammu and Kashmir

ZAVOORA, India (AlertNet) – Amid thousands of tree stumps stretching over almost 60 hectares (150 acres) of bare plateau, there are signs of life. Delicate saplings of kail and deodar conifers are growing between other newly planted deciduous trees. 

Issue date: 
9th March 2012

Industry bodies emphasise sustainability of SA forestry sector

The domestic forestry and pulp and paper sectors do not have as negative an impact on the environment as many people might believe, industry bodies Forestry South Africa (Forestry SA) and the Paper Manufacturers Association of South Africa (Pamsa) emphasise.

Issue date: 
21 February 2012

Conservation is priceless for Kenyan forest

Issue date: 
29 Feb 2012

Warming to Ignite the Carbon Bomb

Rising temperatures are drying out northernforests and peatlands, producing bigger and more intense fires.


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by Dr. Radut