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Issue date: 
March 19, 2012

Forests agency sued for logging

STATE-OWNED timber agency VicForests has been hit with court action by the Environment Department after it allegedly logged protected rainforest.

Issue date: 
Mrz. 26, 2012

Global tree farms becoming more diverse

SEATTLE, WA, Mrz. 26, 2012 (RISI) - After five years, and repeated requests by clients, Dennis Neilson and I spent much of the last six months updating our in-depth look at investments in plantation forestry around the world.

Issue date: 
21 March 2012

ITTO, FAO Workshop Addresses Global Forest Reporting

21 March 2012: The proceedings of a joint workshop organized by the International Tropical Timber Or

Issue date: 
27th February 2012

Safeguarding REDD+ Finance: Ensuring transparent and accountable international financial flows

Funding forest protection in developing countries poses numerous financial risks: from inefficient allocation through to mismanagement of funds, misappropriation and corruption.

Issue date: 
March 27, 2012

MoU between Forest department and Merlyn Woods rejected

Sarhad Awami Forestry Ittehad (SAFI), an alliance of private forests' stakeholders of Malakand and Hazara divisions, has unanimously rejected the signing of the memorandum of understanding (MoU) between Forest Department of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Merlyn Woods, London and called for the immediate

Issue date: 
November, 2011

CCBA & CARE’s REDD+ Social and Environmental Standards: Experience using REDD+ SES November, 2011. REDD+ Social and Environmental St

REDD+ SES consists of principles, criteria and indicators that define high social and environmental performance of government-led REDD+ programs. They provide a framework for country-led multi-stakeholder assessment of REDD+ program design, implementation and outcomes.

Issue date: 
02 March 2012

Building REDD+ Policy Capacity for Developing Country Negotiators and Land Managers: Lessons learned (Task Force Meeting Report)

The International Institute for Sustainable Deve

Issue date: 
1st March 2012

Whatever Happened to the REDD+ Partnership?

Back in May 2009, HRH Prince Charles acting in his capacity as a normative leader on environmental issues hosted a meeting of world leaders in St James’s Palace in London.  The express purpose of the meeting was to raise awareness of the need for emergency action to reduce emissions from deforest

Issue date: 
2 Mar 2012

Corruption allegations hit WWF programmes in Tanzania

DAR ES SALAAM (AlertNet) –The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) in Tanzania is embroiled in a corruption scandal over the alleged misappropriation of Norwegian aid aimed at helping civil society organisations build capacity, Norwegian and WWF officials said.

Issue date: 
03/ 1/2012

Carbon Canopy: A Model for Solving Problems by Protecting Rather Than Destroying Our Natural Resources

A consortium of forward-thinking environmental groups led by the Dogwood Alliance, major corporations such as Staples and


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by Dr. Radut