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Two Feathers Forest Products is a partnership formed in 2008 between Wabigoon Lake Ojibway Nation, Pikangikum First Nation, Eagle Lake First Nation, and the Wood Tech Group from Finland with the goal of supporting new opportunities in the Whitefeather Forest. The Whitefeather Forest lies within ancestral lands of the people of Pikangikum First Nation in Northwestern Ontario, Canada.

At the time of formation, the partnership selected Terry Favelle to be the new Director of the partnership. Favelle was a Councillor in Wabigoon Lake at that time.

Last month, Pikangikum First Nation and Eagle Lake First Nation filed a notice of application informing partners Wabigoon Lake Ojibway Nation and numbered company 1670761 run by Terry Favelle of their wish to dissolve their legal partnership, claiming their relationship has deteriorated due to mismanagement and lack of trust.

Speaking to media from the Pikangikum band office last Friday Chief Jonah Strang said too much of the community’s money had been spent with little progress. “I guess one of the main reasons was one of the main partners that were supposed to be involved never got on board,” said Chief Strang of the involvement of Finnish firm Finnvera Plc. “That is one of the main reasons and I guess those other guys kept on working on it without getting other people involved and it was costing us money.”

Chief Strang said the community has already invested $2 million in the partnership initiative, and he expects that he will not see any of that money returned after the partnership is dissolved.

Chief Strang and Eagle Lake First Nation Chief Pam Pitchenese claim the Two Feathers Forest Products partnership failed to achieve its purpose as project conditions including securing financing and securing a wood allocation have not been met.

The Chiefs allege financial information on the project has been continually withheld and required annual general meetings have not been conducted. Affidavits in the case show that approximately $1.2 million in principal is owed to Canadian creditors and according to the Chiefs “These outstanding debts are greater than any anticipated revenues in the foreseeable future.” Based on the case presented, the leaders are asking for a receiver to be put in place to settle the project’s accounts upon dissolution.

First Nations move to dissolve Two Feathers partnership (The Dryden Observer)
Wabigoon demands report on Two Feathers project (The Dryden Observer)
Two Feathers Forest Products, LP (WhiteFeather Forest Initiative)


Extpub | by Dr. Radut