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List of Top Carbon Funds

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Issue date: 
August 27th, 2010
Publisher Name: 
Indian Carbon Blog
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At the close of calendar year 2009, the Prototype Carbon Fund has 23 of 24 projects generating emission reductions and eight of the PCF’s CDM projects have issued Certified Emission Reductions. In early 2010, the PCF successfully completed its first transfer of Kyoto assets from its projects in Annex I countries.

Fund Capital ($ million) 219.8
Date Operational April 2000
Participants 22
Private % (by capital invested) 57.6


Community Development Carbon Fund

The Community Development Carbon Fund now has 33 emission reductions purchase agreement with a value of $98 million. Fifty-three percent of its portfolio is committed to projects in the world’s poorest countries as defined by the World Bank Group’s International Development Association or the United Nations’ Least Developed Country designation.

Fund Capital ($ million) 128.6#
Date Operational March 2003
Participants 25
Private % (by capital invested) 45.1



The BioCarbon Fund has signed 17 contracts involving afforestation and reforestation, four of which have been registered under the Kyoto Protocol’s CDM mechanism, and the remainder of which are in advanced stages of preparation. Fifteen of the projects have signed an emission reductions purchase agreement. Tranche 2 consists of 8 afforestation/ reforestation projects, which are expected to generate 3.02 million tons in carbon emission reductions

Fund Capital ($ million) 53.8
Date Operational May 2004
Participants 14
Private % (by capital invested) 51

Fund Capital ($ million) 36.6
Date Operational March 2007
Participants 7
Private % (by capital invested) 44



The Netherlands Clean Development Mechanism Facility has a mature portfolio that includes the first project ever registered under the Kyoto Protocol’s CDM mechanism. The NCDMF portfolio includes a significant number of registered projects and others with signed emission reductions purchase agreements that are in the process of being registered.

Fund Capital ($ million) **
Date Operational May 2002
Participants 1
Private % (by capital invested) 0



The Netherlands European Carbon Facility (NECF) is co-managed with the International Finance Corporation and supports carbon market operations in Ukraine, Russia, and Poland.

Fund Capital ($ million) **
Date Operational August 2004
Participants 1
Private % (by capital invested) 0


Italian Carbon Fund
With a capitalization of $155.6 million, the Italian Carbon Fund (ICF) has signed six emission reductions purchase agreements totaling $145.9 million and 26 million tons of carbon dioxide. The portfolio includes projects operating under both the Kyoto Protocol’s CDM and JI mechanisms.

Fund Capital ($ million) 155.6
Date Operational March 2004
Participants 7
Private % (by capital invested) 30.2


Danish Carbon Fund

The Danish Carbon Fund (DCF) consists of seven emission reductions purchase agreements with a total carbon reduction volume of 6.8 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent. The fund has an additional 9 projects in pipeline equivalent to another 35 million tons of carbon dioxide.

Fund Capital (Euro million) 90
Date Operational January 2005
Participants 5
Private % (by capital invested) 78


Spanish Carbon Fund

Divided into two tranches since 2008, the Spanish Carbon Fund (SCF) consists of 14 signed emission reductions purchase agreements. With total commitments of Euro 156.7 million, the fund has 71.2% of its capital pledged. Tranche 2, which has a Green Investment Scheme focus, signed its first emission reduction agreements in 2008 purchasing 236,254 tons of carbon dioxide.

Fund Capital (Euro million) 220
Date Operational March 2005
Participants 13
Private % (by capital invested) 22.7

Fund Capital (Euro million) 70
Date Operational April 2008


Umbrella Carbon Facility

Consisting of five carbon fund administered by the World Bank and 11 members of the private sector, the Umbrella Carbon Facility (UCF) consists of Euro 99.1 million, 75 percent of which comes from the private investment. In 2009 the facility delivered 19.2 million tons of carbon dioxide bringing the total amount of emissions purchased since inception up to 48.4 million tons of carbon dioxide.

Fund Capital (Euro million) 799.1*
Date Operational August 2006
Participants 16
Private % (by capital invested) 75


Carbon Fund for Europe

With total capitalization of Euro 50 million, the Carbon Fund for Europe (CFE) signed a fifth emission reduction agreement in 2009 bringing the total amount of emissions purchased up to 3.4 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions. The fund currently has an additional 1 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions in its pipeline.

Fund Capital (Euro million) 50
Date Operational March 2007
Participants 5
Private % (by capital invested) 20


Forest Carbon Partnership Facility

Operational since June 2008, the capital for the Forest Carbon partnership facility currently stands at Euro168.5 million. In 2009, Guyana, Panama, and Indonesia became the first three countries to submit Readiness Preparation Proposals to the facility, which is the first step in allowing them to build capacity to tap into incentives under REDD.

Fund Capital (Euro million) 168.5
Date Operational June 2008
Participants 51***
Private % (by capital invested) 3


Extpub | by Dr. Radut