White River Forest Products is eager to start up in 2010
White River Forest Products is eager to start up the former Domtar sawmill in White River, Ontario in 2010.
White River Forest Products is a three-way partnership between the Town of White River's economic development department, the Pic Mobert First Nation, and Butler, a northwestern Ontario industry veteran who runs a forestry consulting business in southern Ontario.
The company plans to expand Domtar's dormant facility with wood pellet technology and value-added products. This new venture would employ 200 workers, both in mill and woodland operations.
Right now, White River Forest Products is working with the Ministry of Northern Development, Mines and Forestry with hopes they will be able to secure the Crown fibre supply necessary to press ahead with a $90-million project that would also see an existing co-generation plant powered up from 7.5 megawatts to 20.
Project financing would come from a combination of private and public funding. Some former Domtar employees have come forward offering a repayable loan to help get the operation re-started. It all hinges on the wood supply being secured.
The plan is to fire up the sawmill, expand the co-gen to produce heat and power, add wood pellet technology and launch some value-added forest products. Jeff Butler, company president, said there is possible “synergies” with Haavaldsrud Timber Company, a sawmill in nearby Hornepayne.