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International ForestIndustries | vor 13 Jahre 11 months

Ongoing unrest in the Middle East has caused a surging oil price which is now being passed on to exporters in the form of rising shipping costs. The halting of exports from Queensland following the floods, saw shipping costs lower in January and through into February as supply outgrew demand....

Paperindex Times | vor 13 Jahre 11 months

Brussels, Belgium, Mar 2011 - Sappi Fine Paper Europe envisages the closure of its Biberist Mill in Switzerland in response to market conditions and sustained increases in input costs and begins consultations As a result of continued overcapacity in the European Coated and Uncoated Fine Paper...

Demerara Waves | vor 13 Jahre 11 months

Norway Thursday night stressed the need for anti-corruption mechanisms before compensating Guyana and other countries to preserve their forests. “We do not want to interfere in how Guyana use money…But there must be strict standards for anti-corruption and also strict international standards for...

Forest Talk | vor 13 Jahre 11 months

The Faculty of Forestry at the University of Toronto has a bleak future due to low enrollment. The University of Toronto had the first forestry faculty in Canada, and the second in North America when it began in 1907. Over the years, the faculty has awarded over 2,000 Bachelor of Science in...

Today Gambia | vor 13 Jahre 11 months

The Gambia has nominated for the Community Forestry Management Awards under the Future Policy Award 2011, being organized by the World Future Council, a Hamburg-based charitable foundation which brings the interests of future generations to the centre of policy-making across the world. Through...

Times-Advocate | vor 13 Jahre 11 months

EXETER – Terry Schwan does not expect forest cover in the Ausable Bayfield watershed to increase from 13 per cent to the 30 per cent recommended by Environment Canada. “There's too much good farm land,” he said in a speech near Exeter March 17. "They're not going to take that away, but there's a...

Timber Industry Magazine | vor 13 Jahre 11 months

Russia’s national forest certification system has had its PEFC membership terminated because of non-payment of fees. This means PEFC’s endorsement of Russia’s scheme – the Partnership on the Development of Forest Certification – has been suspended until a new membership is approved.

FavStocks | vor 13 Jahre 11 months

As EDF’s Amazon Basin Project coordinator, I spend much of my time working in Latin America with our non-governmental allies to discuss REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation) with indigenous groups.   REDD+ has come so far since conceived two decades ago; the ...

PR Newswire | vor 13 Jahre 11 months

SAN FRANCISCO, March 28, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ --  Seven companies, including four from the Fortune 500, have made new commitments and actions to stop using the Sustainable Forestry Initiative's (SFI) 'eco-label' on branded paper products or company publications. Aetna, Allstate, Garnet...

Miami Herald | vor 13 Jahre 11 months

WASHINGTON -- Simpson Tacoma Kraft would seem like one of the greener power plants. It boils water by burning sawdust, bark and wood shavings from saw mills and pulp mills, funneling the resulting high-pressure steam into a turbine to generate electricity.

Eco Home Magazine | vor 13 Jahre 11 months

The American Forest & Paper Association (AF&PA) released five goals for the forest products industry to be more environmentally sustainable, including work to increase the amount of fiber procured from certified forest lands and to promote polices worldwide that reduce illegal logging.

GreenBiz | vor 13 Jahre 11 months

Like robins, Sun Belt baseball and daffodils poking their heads up from the soil, it seems to be a rite of spring for advocates of the Forest Stewardship Council and the Sustainable Forestry Initiative to go after each other about the relative credibility of each other’s forestry standards.

Alert Net | vor 13 Jahre 11 months

Bogota (AlertNet) – More than 1,000 families in the municipality of Acandi, on the Panama border, are aiming to become one of the first Colombian communities to sell carbon credits generated by their forest conservation activities on the international voluntary market.

IPS News | vor 13 Jahre 11 months

NUEVA LOJA, Ecuador, Mar 29, 2011 (Tierramérica) - When the trunks of the trees move with every step you take, you know you are in a swamp. This is what happens when you walk over the seemingly firm and vegetation-covered ground over what was once a pit used to dump oil sludge in the Ecuadorian...

Timber Community | vor 13 Jahre 11 months

Seattle, USA. The earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan on March 11 is first and foremost a humanitarian tragedy that is difficult to comprehend. Over 10,000 people died during and in the immediate aftermath; more than 400,000 people lost their homes and 100-150,000 buildings were destroyed. The...

Paper Index Times | vor 13 Jahre 11 months

Seattle, USA, Mar 28, 2011 - The earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan on March 11 is first and foremost a humanitarian tragedy that is difficult to comprehend. Over 10,000 people died during and in the immediate aftermath; more than 400,000 people lost their homes and 100-150,000 buildings were...

REDD-PLUS | vor 13 Jahre 11 months

At what point do the benefits of experimentation and action along multiple, loosely coordinated policy fronts begin to be outweighed by the costs of overlap, gaps, poor coordination and uncertainty created by competing standards? The international community would do well to consider this question...

The Timberland Blog | vor 13 Jahre 11 months

My last post generated a couple of comments that referenced FIRPTA (Foreign Investment in Real Property Tax Act) and the likely impact that the law would “keep Asian demand in U.S. timberland muted”. The law has been around since 1981 so I thought that I would take a look at what the impact of...

ForestTalk | vor 13 Jahre 11 months

The Wood First initiative started in British Columbia. Their provincial government passed the Wood First Act in 2009 that requires wood to be considered as the primary building material in all new publicly-funded buildings, such as schools, libraries or sports complexes. The goal of the Wood...


by Dr. Radut