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CIFOR | vor 13 Jahre 11 months

BOGOR, Indonesia (20 April, 2011)_A few weeks ago, I met a senior diplomat from one of the countries where CIFOR conducts research. He did not have a background in environment or natural resources, so I expected to spend some time explaining the importance of forests to his country’s prosperity.

CIFOR | vor 13 Jahre 11 months

YAOUNDE, Cameroon (23 April, 2011)_The trade in illegally harvested timber provides a living for more than 45,000 people, a major source of income for corrupt officials and not a cent for the state. Follow this 5-part series as I explore Cameroon’s hidden harvest. I have used pseudonyms to...

PaperIndex Times | vor 13 Jahre 11 months

Finland, Apr 22, 2011 - The Finnish Forest Industries Federation has asked the EU Commission to evaluate whether Finland’s planned energy subsidy for small-diameter trees is fair for all buyers of wood. An energy subsidy for small-diameter trees is necessary, but it must be scaled appropriately...

HuffingtonPost | vor 13 Jahre 11 months

When Kellogg's announced this week that it is moving to limit the deforestation caused by the palm oil it uses to make Frosted Flakes, Keebler cookies, Rice Krispies, and Girl Scout cookies, it represented an enormous achievement for two 15-year-old girls from Michigan.

PaperIndex Times | vor 13 Jahre 11 months

Helsinki, Finland, Apr 20, 2011 - Stora Enso initiated a change process called Rethink in spring 2010 and communicated the process internally in November 2010. Today Rethink is launched externally. The most visible sign of the change externally is Stora Enso’s new corporate identity.

Forest Talk | vor 13 Jahre 11 months

Forestry workers in British Columbia‘s southern interior are ready to strike. Last week the United Steelworkers union filed their required 72 hours notice of strike action against the member companies of the Interior Forest Labor Relations Association (including, Tolko, Tembec, Weyerhaeuser-...

PaperIndex Times | vor 13 Jahre 11 months

HALIFAX, Nova Scotia, Canada, April 19, 2011 -- Dalhousie University's School of Resource and Environmental Studies has received a Sustainable Forestry Initiative® (SFI®) Conservation and Community Partnerships Grant to develop best management practices for forest road crossings in Atlantic...

IPP Media | vor 13 Jahre 11 months

This week GERALD KITABU interviewed the Project Manager for the Forest Justice in Tanzania Initiative, Elinasi Monga, on forest resources. Excerpts: QUESTION: What does the Forest Justice in Tanzania Initiative stand for? ANSWER: This is a partnership initiative between Tanzania Forest...

Canton Patch | vor 13 Jahre 11 months

Local, state and federal officials said they are committed to working together to balance economic growth and environmental conservation after a new study found the forests along the Farmington and Housatonic rivers basins are in danger of increased fragmentation and degradation from...

Mongabay | vor 13 Jahre 11 months

Wandojo Siswanto, one of the negotiators for Indonesia's delegation at 2009 climate talks in Copenhagen and a key architect of its Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD) partnership with Norway, has been sentenced to three years in prison for accepting bribes.

WRI | vor 13 Jahre 11 months

A highly anticipated two-year moratorium on new forest conversion permits could bring fundamental improvements to forest and land management in Indonesia.

The Litchfield News | vor 13 Jahre 11 months

LITCHFIELD — A report released by the U.S. Department of Forestry, in part with the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection, shows resource conservation has improved, but work remains to be done.

RISI | vor 13 Jahre 11 months

BRUSSELS, April 18, 2011 (RISI) - Raw material supply security is always a major concern for pulp and paper companies. It is one of the driving forces of the industry and a company's raw material procurement plan can often make the difference between success and failure.

The Province | vor 13 Jahre 11 months

If you're a clerk in the produce department at the local supermarket you have a big task on your hands. Not only must you track how quickly the bins of apples, lemons, lettuce, radishes and dozens of other fruits and vegetables are depleted, but you must constantly root out the rotten from the...

Daily TarHeel | vor 13 Jahre 11 months

In meetings last year, the Energy Task Force extolled the virtues of biomass as a coal alternative — but not without voicing concerns. Some members of the task force worried that companies providing wood pellets would clear forests to produce them, nullifying any sustainable improvement. It...

Carbon Positive | vor 13 Jahre 11 months

The World Bank Institute and Forest Carbon Partnership Facility have released a free 262-page manual for assessing the true costs of REDD+ action aimed at saving and restoring forests. “Estimating the Opportunity Costs of REDD+” is a guide for those formulating national avoided deforestation...

Bloomberg | vor 13 Jahre 11 months

McKinsey & Co. is helping rainforest nations such as Indonesia and Guyana safeguard their logging industry while gaining access to millions of dollars in funds intended to protect trees, Greenpeace said.


by Dr. Radut