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Timber Community | vor 13 Jahre 11 months

Seattle, USA. The earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan on March 11 is first and foremost a humanitarian tragedy that is difficult to comprehend. Over 10,000 people died during and in the immediate aftermath; more than 400,000 people lost their homes and 100-150,000 buildings were destroyed. The...

Paper Index Times | vor 13 Jahre 11 months

Seattle, USA, Mar 28, 2011 - The earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan on March 11 is first and foremost a humanitarian tragedy that is difficult to comprehend. Over 10,000 people died during and in the immediate aftermath; more than 400,000 people lost their homes and 100-150,000 buildings were...

REDD-PLUS | vor 13 Jahre 11 months

At what point do the benefits of experimentation and action along multiple, loosely coordinated policy fronts begin to be outweighed by the costs of overlap, gaps, poor coordination and uncertainty created by competing standards? The international community would do well to consider this question...

The Timberland Blog | vor 13 Jahre 11 months

My last post generated a couple of comments that referenced FIRPTA (Foreign Investment in Real Property Tax Act) and the likely impact that the law would “keep Asian demand in U.S. timberland muted”. The law has been around since 1981 so I thought that I would take a look at what the impact of...

ForestTalk | vor 13 Jahre 11 months

The Wood First initiative started in British Columbia. Their provincial government passed the Wood First Act in 2009 that requires wood to be considered as the primary building material in all new publicly-funded buildings, such as schools, libraries or sports complexes. The goal of the Wood...

Yale 360° | vor 13 Jahre 11 months

With giant tortoises, elephants, and other fruit-eating animals disappearing from many of the world’s tropical woodlands, forests are suffering from the loss of a key function performed by these creatures: the dispersal of tree seeds. But a new experiment shows that introduced species may be able...

Daily Independent | vor 13 Jahre 11 months

Nigeria’s high expectations at accessing funds to effectively kickstart its National Programme for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) were somewhat dashed last week in far away Da Lat, Viet Nam, where a gathering of experts took stock of the climate change...

Ecosystem Marketplace | vor 13 Jahre 11 months

24 March 2011 | NAIROBI | As Europe’s carbon registries slowly reopen after the more vulnerable among them were hacked in January, a new exchange – the African Carbon Exchange (ACX) – was soft-launched here on Thursday.

Global Witness | vor 13 Jahre 11 months

This page contains further information on the UN-REDD Policy Board and documents relating to UN-REDD, including Global Witness’ reviews of proposed national REDD+ programmes and reports from Policy Board meetings. Global Witness on the UN-REDD Policy Board

University of East Anglia | vor 13 Jahre 11 months

This project will analyse how REDD-plus mechanisms may reduce carbon emissions and maintain or enhance existing stocks of carbon in vegetation and soil of various land cover types. It will also examine the impact of REDD-plus on the livelihoods and welfare of local farming communities, its...

The Ecologist | vor 13 Jahre 11 months

Indonesia's move to bring in a two-year moratorium on new palm oil plantations to protect its remaining rainforests has seen agribusiness giants like Sime Darby switch expansion plans to Cameroon, Ghana and Liberia The sudden upsurge in land deals by palm oil companies in Africa could lead to large...

Wildlife Conservation Society | vor 13 Jahre 12 months

As part of a Tanzania-wide investment in Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) initiatives, the Royal Norwegian Government is supporting WCS to conduct a REDD Readiness project in the Southern Highlands of Tanzania.

IETA | vor 13 Jahre 12 months

Washington, DC – At a press conference held jointly with Avoided Deforestation Partners at IETA’s Carbon Forum North America, the International Emissions Trading Association (IETA) unveiled a new publication series that will address critical policy issues for REDD+ from the perspective of the...

Washington Examiner | vor 13 Jahre 12 months

It's trendy to talk about "corporate social responsibility." The idea is companies have obligations beyond making a profit for their shareholders or creating products and services that their customers want; they have responsibilities to wider society as well. So, CSR may sound harmless, even...

Indigenous People Issues | vor 13 Jahre 12 months

The importance of biodiversity and livelihood aspects within the design of REDD-plus has been recognized at many levels. Achieving these multiple benefits will require new levels of collaboration among different actors at national and international levels.  

RUNA | vor 13 Jahre 12 months

The All-Russia meeting dedicated to the forestry relations joined the executives and experts from all the country to the Taurida Palace. The most relevant issues at the moment are the forest fire protection and reforestation. This was announced by Victor Zubkov, the Vice Prime-Minister of the...

AllAfrica | vor 13 Jahre 12 months

As the world grapples with the challenges of feeding an ever-growing population, findings from a recent research by International Institute for Tropical Agriculture (IITA), showed that science-based farming methods integrating the systematic use of fertilizers by farmers can significantly reduce...


by Dr. Radut