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Mongabay | vor 14 Jahre 10 months

Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD) has been widely lauded as a mechanism that could fund forest conservation and poverty alleviation efforts while fighting climate change. At the December U.N. climate meeting in Bali, delegates agreed to include REDD in future...

REDD Monitor | vor 14 Jahre 10 months

The European Commission will tomorrow state that it is opposed to the inclusion of forest-based carbon credits in the ETS, in a wide-ranging Communication on deforestation and how the European community plans to deal with it. The Communication will say that the aim should be to reduce...

Carbon Finance | vor 14 Jahre 10 months

Expectations that forest-based carbon credits will be eligible for use in future compliance regimes could boost the market, according to Ecosystem Marketplace. Many current deals for forestry credits are being completed on a pre-compliance basis due to expectations that US or international...

Carbon Positive | vor 14 Jahre 10 months

Time is now short for forestry projects to deliver any worthwhile volume of carbon credits to the CER market by 2012. While the bottlenecks that have held back the afforestation and reforestation (A/R) sector in Kyoto’s Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) are now mostly resolved, it may be too...

Carbon Positive | vor 14 Jahre 10 months

Tree-planting activities - reforestation and afforestation - have come in for criticism in recent times, giving rise to a debate over whether planting new forests in order to combat climate change is worthwhile, and whether it can be accurately reflected in a system of economic credits. The...

Carbon Positive | vor 14 Jahre 10 months

How does carbon trading work? Does it really help tackle climate change? Isn’t it all just smoke and mirrors? Is the Kyoto Protocol doing any good? These and similar questions are increasingly being asked as the evidence for global warming mounts, scientists tell us more of dramatic climatic...

Carbon Positive | vor 14 Jahre 10 months

Over the past two years, the voluntary carbon market space has grown and changed rapidly. Independent assessment of carbon projects is now a must for any project developer or retailer of carbon offsets. An array of third-party audit standards has emerged to support the validation of projects and...

Green Biz | vor 14 Jahre 10 months

For thousands of years, we have been planting and growing trees without difficulty. It’s simple, and forest carbon business strategy can be, too. In fact, it’s core to what I’m trying to teach the MBA/MS students in my course at the Erb Institute this semester: If the world’s best available...

Absolute Truths | vor 14 Jahre 11 months

From an environmental perspective the basics of paper recycling are primary-school simple. 1. Recovering and recycling paper is a net positive for the environment. 2. Utilizing recycled fiber in packaging, and the lower quality paper grades (as well as insulation and other industrial...

Dead Tree Edition | vor 14 Jahre 11 months

I used to think that using post-consumer recycled content to make paper was good, that cutting trees to make paper was bad, and that online editions were greener than “dead-tree” editions. Silly me. It's taken me years to realize that using post-consumer waste (PCW) in North America to make...

Dead Tree Edition | vor 14 Jahre 11 months

Wear condoms, retire the bear, and eat less fried chicken. Those are among the unusual ideas for helping the environment in general and forests in particular that were turned up by a Dead Tree Edition study of recent news reports. I don't think you'll see these in the mainstream media's usual...

PaperMoney | vor 14 Jahre 11 months

PaperMoney asked me to write a bimonthly column on the industry in “my” area, which is Canada. As the deadline rolls around I find myself in Uruguay, working on a permit application for a new 4000 tons/day mill, and realize that the situation here has much to do with North America. Some of the...

UPM | vor 14 Jahre 11 months

On 8 December 2009, UPM, Metsäliitto, M-real, and Botnia closed the transaction according to which Metsäliitto's and Botnia's share of the Fray Bentos pulp mill and the eucalyptus plantation company Forestal Oriental in Uruguay were transferred to UPM. UPM has a 91% ownership in the Fray Bentos...

Engineering News | vor 14 Jahre 11 months

Paper and pulp manufacturer Sappi Forests said on Tuesday that it had extended its plantation holdings in South Africa with the purchase of the Sjonajona plantation in the Mpumalanga province from Mondi. The plantation lies between Machadodorp and Barberton and is 14 500 ha in extent, of which 9...

PaperNet | vor 14 Jahre 11 months

April 20 2010  Magnus Hall, CEO of Holmen, has been elected new Chairman of Skogsindustrierna, the Swedish Forest Industries Federation. Magnus Hall was elected new Chairman of Skogsindustrierna in conjunction with the Federation’s annual meeting in Stockholm, Tuesday. He takes over the...

Goolge News | vor 14 Jahre 11 months

OTTAWA — A summer job for students that has become as iconic as the loon and beaver may be going the way of the $2 bill. Summer tree-planting jobs that helped put thousands of Canadian students through school for decades are declining because of a slack U.S. housing market and pine beetle damage...

Forest Talk | vor 14 Jahre 11 months

Boralex Power Income Fund is pleased that its Senneterre, Québec power station project will benefit from significant investments by the federal and provincial governments. The $6 million project was developed in collaboration with a manufacturer in the Abitibi area and will maximize the...

EFI | vor 14 Jahre 11 months

The development of EFI Regional Offices continues. The latest office to open its doors is the Central-East European Regional Office – EFICEEC in Vienna, Austria. The EFICEEC will strengthen implementation of the EFI‘s strategy 2022; and it is foreseen as a catalyst to foster networking, research...

Papernet | vor 14 Jahre 11 months

April 16 2010 Swedish Paper Workers Union’s notice of total stoppage of work at six Swedish pulp and paper mills was carried out early Friday morning. Approximately 3,000 paper workers at six pulp and paper mills in Sweden are striking, and the production at the six mills has come to a complete...


by Dr. Radut