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FAo | vor 14 Jahre 11 months

19 April 2010, Rome - Fighting wildfires requires the participation of local communities, since most fires stem from human activities, says a new version of FAO's "Wildland Fire Management Handbook for Trainers," co-published today by the UN agency and the Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

London Stock Exchange | vor 14 Jahre 11 months

HELSINKI, April 16 (Reuters) - Finnish forestry companies UPM-Kymmene and Stora Enso fear that the government's plan to subsidise use of wood as a source of renewable energy will increase its price and serve another blow to the struggling industry. "If there is a fixed price for burning...

CNBC | vor 14 Jahre 11 months

While governments are spending millions trying to tackle carbon emissions, one entrepreneur is getting right to the root of the problem. Erik Jaques reports. At just 27, Dorjee Sun had it made. A charismatic law graduate and serial entrepreneur, he’d banked his first millions by selling web-based...

Rural Media Network | vor 14 Jahre 11 months

Experts are skeptical as to how fast and easy it will be to implement REDD-Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation-in a country like Ghana, where REDD is essentially an issue of forest governance.  

The Liberian Observer | vor 14 Jahre 11 months

On Friday, April 3, 2010, several Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and donor partners including the World Bank and the United Sates Agency for International Development (USAID) gathered at a workshop organized by the Action Against Climate Change (AACC) Liberia. It was organized under the...

ForestTalk | vor 14 Jahre 11 months

The Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union of Canada (CEP) has signed a deal with Sinar Mas (parent company of Asia Pulp and Paper) - the company that is purchasing the former Pope & Talbot/Worthington pulp mill in Mackenzie, British Columbia. The mill isn't expected to product pulp...

The Guardian | vor 14 Jahre 11 months

Document outlines key messages the Obama administration wants to convey in the run-up to UN climate talks in Mexico in November. A document accidentally left on a European hotel computer and passed to the Guardian reveals the US government's increasingly controversial strategy in the global UN...

BC Local News | vor 14 Jahre 11 months

VICTORIA – The B.C. government issued 294 layoff notices Monday to staff in the forests and energy ministries, and announced it is closing the forests ministry field office in Prince Rupert. Forests Minister Pat Bell said the Prince Rupert office had been reduced to about 10 staff with...

The Dead Tree Edition | vor 14 Jahre 11 months

For the second time this year, Congress plans to “pay” for a new program partly by closing a non-existent loophole involving a pulp byproduct. The House-passed version of the “Small Business and Infrastructure Jobs Tax Act of 2010” counts on nearly $1.9 billion in revenue from making crude tall...

Stabroek News | vor 14 Jahre 11 months

There is a “significant” level of illegality in Guyana’s forestry sector though it is lower than in several other major tropical timber producing countries in South America and around the world, according to a study commissioned by Norway’s Ministry of the Environment.

Ottawa Citizen | vor 14 Jahre 11 months

REGINA — Every time another elm tree becomes infected with Dutch elm disease (DED) and is cut down on Nathaniel Bowen's tree-lined street in Regina, he can't help but feel sad. "It's hard to see 80 years of history wiped out by a DED infection," said the 30-year-old, who's seen two trees on his...

Google News | vor 14 Jahre 11 months

MONTREAL — Tembec's impending sale of two French pulp mills will allow the Quebec-based forestry company to reduce its debt and better ride the current wave of rising global pulp prices, an industry analyst said Monday. Paul Quinn of RBC Capital Markets said the likely sale of two kraft pulp...

The Jakarta Post | vor 14 Jahre 11 months

The government should work out how to stamp out long-standing illegal logging within two years if the country wants to secure funding from carbon trading in the forestry sector, say environment activists. They warned that failure to tackle illegal logging would also jeopardize the government’s...

The New York Times | vor 14 Jahre 11 months

IT may seem quaint to recall this now, but on the eve of the financial crisis, one of the biggest business stories was how large corporations were going to save the planet and make billions of dollars for their shareholders at the same time.

Climate-L | vor 14 Jahre 11 months

  March 2010: Global Witness, a non-governmental organization (NGO) representing civil society on the UN-REDD Policy Board, has submitted an assessment of the World Bank's Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) Readiness-Preparation Proposals (R-PPs) and Joint Program Documents (JPDs) of the...

Stabroek News | vor 14 Jahre 11 months

  US$200,000 grant from the World Bank to support information sharing activities on forest preservation strategies has been available for more than a month but government has not moved to sign the document. Approval for the release of the money was given by the bank in mid-February, Giorgio...

Mongabay | vor 14 Jahre 11 months

The Copenhagen Accord, forged at COP15 upended international efforts to confront climate change. Never before have 115 Heads of State gathered together at one time, let alone for the singular purpose of crafting a new climate change agreement. Even though the new Accord is still in intensive...

vor 14 Jahre 11 months

  Minister of Forestry and the United Nations launch joint effort to combat deforestation and forest degradation Jakarta, 30 March 2010 – Today the Ministry of Forestry and the United Nations launched The United Nations Collaborative Programme on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest...

Ecosystem Marketplace | vor 14 Jahre 11 months

Delegates to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) have gathered in Bonn, Germany, for the first meeting since Copenhagen.  This three-day meeting, however, is more about process than product.  Ecosystem Marketplace drops in for a quick look at the negotiations.


by Dr. Radut