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vor 15 Jahre 10 months

To say that times are tough in the Canadian forestry sector is a gross understatement. With the U.S. housing collapse and global financial services meltdown, the sector has lost 50,000 jobs and more than 250 mills over the past two years.

vor 15 Jahre 10 months

The carbon market showed a remarkable growth spurt in the first quarter of this year, with trading volumes up 37 per cent, new data show. Trading was driven by price volatility and companies selling carbon permits to raise short-term cash.

vor 15 Jahre 10 months

origin of text Europes deman in graphic paper in a downturn...  

vor 15 Jahre 10 months

It didn't take long for the debate on biofuels to heat up again, despite the bottom-of-the-barrel price of oil and an economy in the drink. This time, it was a study published in the February issue of Science that said corn-based ethanol could add nearly twice as many greenhouse emissions as fossil...

vor 15 Jahre 11 months

Prince Edward's Provinzregierung (Kanada) erlaubt jedermann die Holznutzung mit Pferden... Montag, 20.4.2009: Totholz und minderwertige Holzsortimente gehören demjenigen, der das Holz mit Pferden aus dem Wald bringt. Er muss weder für das Holz noch für eine Holznutzungslizenz bezahlen. Ein...

vor 15 Jahre 11 months

A federal program intended to promote the use of renewable fuels is instead encouraging U.S. paper companies to pursue some rather "un-green" practices, such as substituting virgin pulp for recycled pulp.

vor 15 Jahre 11 months

Origin of text RISI Details Wood Chip Supply & Demand Changes at 75th Forest Resources Association Event  

vor 15 Jahre 11 months

Origin of text Global Wood Fiber Prices in Q4 2008 Experienced the Largest Drop in over 20 Years: Wood Resource Quarterly

vor 15 Jahre 11 months

Origin of text Increase in Demand for Wood Pellets Pushed Prices Upward in Europe in 4Q/08, Reports WRQ

vor 15 Jahre 11 months

Origin of text Domino effect expected from static woodchip price Posted Fri Mar 27, 2009 3:00pm AEDT; Updated Fri Mar 27, 2009 3:18pm AEDT The industry has described the price as disappointing. (ABC News: David Hudspeth) //--> A timber industry analyst says the entire sector will...

vor 15 Jahre 11 months

Remember the other day when we heard that International Paper received $71.6 million from the IRS for burning an alternative fuel mix? Well Domtar and AbitibiBowater want in too. Domtar has retrofitted seven of its U.S. mills to produce the black liquor to qualify for the tax credit. If...

vor 15 Jahre 11 months

EPCOR Power 's Williams Lake, BC facility has used cheap wood waste from the local mills for the last 15 years to generate power. However, the 6 mills around Williams Lake have halted production, the power plant is now employing most of the logging truck drivers in the area to scouring the...

vor 15 Jahre 12 months

The free market has got us into this mess, and the free market will get us out of it. This nonsensical idea is at the heart of all carbon trading measures, the Rudd government’s Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme (CPRS) included.

vor 16 Jahre 2 Tage

The issue in today’s post concerns why the transaction price of timberland has shown little or no decline in value but the stock price of the publicly traded companies that own timberland has declined dramatically. I will also look at what I think is happening in the timberland market today and how...

vor 16 Jahre 1 Woche

You can find the related articles >>here<< and >>here<< Soft toilet paper is ruining the planet--huh? Allen Hershkowitz, Senior Scientist at the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) and (I perceive) a long time enemy of the forest products industry, pronounced last week...

vor 16 Jahre 1 Woche

Economic stimulus plans being rolled out across the world could commit countries to rapid growth in greenhouse gas emissions, cancelling some of the green initiatives included within them, analysis has found.


by Dr. Radut