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Sense and Sustainability | vor 13 Jahre 2 months

No one knows for certain when nature first became a commodity, that is, when nature was first divided into discrete units that could be bought and sold. You could argue that it was when the fruits of harvest were first traded for other goods. Or maybe you could say that the first instance was...

AllAfrica | vor 13 Jahre 2 months

An environmental expert, Salihu Dahiru, has called for investment in biodiversity for Nigeria to maximise the potentials of the United Nations programme on Reducing Emission from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD+). Dahiru, who heads the Nigeria REDD Programme in a chat with Daily Trust said that...

UN | vor 13 Jahre 2 months

Author(s): Rocío Hiraldo and Thomas Tanner Programme Area: Research-Related Activities Paper No.: 4 Code: OP

EAAERE | vor 13 Jahre 2 months

REDD-plus is one of the most important policy tools for promoting sustainable forest management, especially in tropical countries where significantly large net losses of forest area have been observed in recent years. Malaysia is considered as a potential participant country in REDD-plus project...

PIA | vor 13 Jahre 2 months

MAASIN CITY, Southern Leyte, Dec. 29 (PIA) -- A people’s organization has completed its part in planting forest trees in the 110-hectare land under the United Nations Program on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing Countries (UN-REDD Plus Program).

CIFOR | vor 13 Jahre 2 months

Community-managed forests in Latin America could provide valuable lessons for the sustainable management of these resources, in particular under Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD+) schemes, says a new study by the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR). Case...

Post Zambia | vor 13 Jahre 2 months

THE extreme weather and climatological changes happening around the world are having a profound impact on the population and the ecosystem, says the Zambia Institute of Environmental Management. ZIEM chief executive officer Morgan Katati said the changes such as floods, heatwaves and droughts...

Equations | vor 13 Jahre 2 months

Government of India announced it’s first ever National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC) in June 2008 to identify measures and steps to advance climate change-related actions in its domestic sphere. One of the eight missions is the Green India Mission (GIM), which was ‘launched to enhance eco-...

Radio New Zealand | vor 13 Jahre 2 months

The Ministry of Agriculture & Forestry says foresters seeking carbon credits through the Emissions Trading Scheme have been driving much of the increase in new tree plantings. MAF's estimates, based on reports from commercial forestry nurseries, show that 67 million seedlings were planted...

NCN Guyana | vor 13 Jahre 2 months

President Donald Ramotar pledged that in the New Year his government will work resolutely on a developmental agenda that guarantees value for money in the delivery of public goods and services and to bring an end to corruption. In his New Year’s message to the nation the Head of State promised...

IBN Live | vor 13 Jahre 2 months

HYDERABAD: The state forest department, in an ambitious plan, will plant 12 crore saplings outside the forest areas by June next to increase the state’s tree cover.

MONGABAY | vor 13 Jahre 2 months

Brazil, which last week moved to reform its Forest Code, may find lessons in Russia's revision of its forest law in 2007, say a pair of Russian scientists. The Brazilian Senate last week passed a bill that would relax some of forest provisions imposed on landowners. Environmentalists blasted the...

ALLAfrica | vor 13 Jahre 2 months

A PLAN to start baseline survey in Rufiji delta by World Wildlife Fund for Nature which wants to help villagers get paid through REDD, has suffered a setback from the torching of farm huts and cutting down of coconut trees by Mangrove Management Project officials last October. Reduced Emission from...

Kaieteur News Online | vor 13 Jahre 2 months

Spearheaded by Former Head-of-State Bharrat Jagdeo, and after much ranting and raving on his part, the Guyana Government is still to spend a dime of the money from the Kingdom of Norway under a Memorandum of Understand signed in 2008. Two tranches from the US$250M promised to Guyana and payable...

CIFOR | vor 13 Jahre 2 months

Bamboo charcoal is a viable, clean and sustainable alternative to fuelwood and may be the key to combating soil degradation and massive deforestation in Africa while still meeting domestic energy needs, say experts. “Bamboo charcoal could provide an excellent alternative to hardwood charcoal ...

Summit County Voice | vor 13 Jahre 2 months

Assumptions that forest thinning treatments help sequester carbon are not grounded in science — instead, recent research shows that thinning actually releases more carbon to the atmosphere than any amount saved by successful fire prevention. The study acknowledges that there are many valid reasons...

ForestCarbonAsia | vor 13 Jahre 2 months

This report draws on The Forests Dialogue’s REDD+ readiness dialogue series, which took place in six countries — Brazil, Ghana, Guatemala, Ecuador, Cambodia and Switzerland — between October 2009 and March 2011. The series involved 240 key stakeholders from more than 30 countries representing...

ForestCarbonAsia | vor 13 Jahre 2 months

What do opportunity costs mean in the context of REDD+ and what are the implications for local communities? Farmers intuitively know the importance of opportunity costs. To tackle deforestation in a socially equitable way, we must consider what the drivers of deforestation are and what incentives...

Third World Network | vor 13 Jahre 2 months

The recently concluded Durban climate conference adopted two decisions on policy approaches and positive incentives that reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries; and the role of conservation, sustainable management of forests, and enhancement of forest...

Bits of Science | vor 13 Jahre 2 months

But the precise effect of pine bark beetle plagues on the nitrogen cycle and carbon cycle is highly variable, says a research group led by the University of Idaho, who have used an ecosystem model to simulate outbreaks. Yesterday they published their findings in the Journal of Geophysical Research.


by Dr. Radut