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Forest Carbon Asia | vor 13 Jahre 1 month

Global Forest Coalition and Global Justice Ecology Project have produced a new video entitled A Darker Shade of Green: REDD Alert and the Future of Forests. The twenty-eight minute video, documents opposition among Indigenous Peoples, forest-dependent communities and environmental justice groups...

Eco-Business | vor 13 Jahre 1 month

Some of our clients will remember that The CarbonNeutral Company started business in 1997 trading as Future Forests, and will know that our services have always recognised the central role played by ecosystems in maintaining a stable climate. Planting and protecting forests makes perfect sense...

NewsWire | vor 13 Jahre 1 month

After a month of escalating rhetoric from the Harper government and oil industry front groups and confirmation today from internal government documents that the government explicitly identified environmental and aboriginal groups as "adversaries" in its strategy to increase tar sands exports,...

Yomiuri | vor 13 Jahre 1 month

Firms that emit greenhouse gases but also want to help revitalize business in the Tohoku region following the Great East Japan Earthquake are being drawn to participate in a carbon dioxide offset trading scheme. Named J-VER (Japan Verified Emission Reduction), the scheme is a type of carbon-offset...

Biomass Magazine | vor 13 Jahre 1 month

The U.S. EPA’s Science Advisory Board (SAB) has issued a draft report response to the EPA’s Accounting Framework for Biogenic CO2 Emissions from Stationary Sources. The framework was first issued by the EPA in September.

Reuters | vor 13 Jahre 1 month

(REUTERS) - An international fund to protect the Amazon forest launched by Brazil in 2008 has gotten bogged down in red tape and donors are frustrated their $466 million contributions are hardly put to use, a Norwegian official said. The fund was designed to slow deforestation by stimulating...

EurActive | vor 13 Jahre 1 month

Greenhouse gas emissions from biofuels such as palm oil, soybean and rapeseed are higher than those for fossil fuels when the effects of Indirect Land Use Change (ILUC) are counted, according to leaked EU data seen by EurActiv. The default values assigned to the biofuels compare to those from...

Forest Carbon Asia | vor 13 Jahre 1 month

International climate change negotiations at COP17 in Durban, December 2011 saw further developments on the proposed REDD+ mechanism to reduce forest-based emissions and enhance forest carbon sinks. A binding international REDD+ agreement and a larger climate change agreement will likely be many...

CIFOR | vor 13 Jahre 1 month

New regulations banning sale of illegal timber in consumer countries will force companies to move away from business-as-usual practices, part of a two-pronged approach to ensure the sustainability of supply for wood products.

Guardian | vor 13 Jahre 1 month

Escalating tensions between the Mapuche people and Chile's government following a spate of devastating forest fires reveal the high cost of policies that champion multinational corporations by subordinating environmental protection to market growth.

IPS | vor 13 Jahre 1 month

Most biodiesel production is making climate change worse not better, studies show. Biodiesel from palm oil plantations may be the world's dirtiest fuel - far worse than burning diesel made from oil when the entire production life cycle is considered.

Forest Carbon Asia | vor 13 Jahre 1 month

China has formulated “forest response to climate change five actions points” to implement the National Economic and Social Development Twelfth Five-Year Plan, forestry development  second five year plan and Forestry Action Plan to address climate change, and further promote the “second five year ”...

Huffington Post | vor 13 Jahre 1 month

ICTORIA - The B.C. government says lumber exports to China have gone through the roof. It says in the first 11 months of last year, the province had shipped 4.2 billion board feet of lumber to China, exceeding a goal of four billion set four years ago. Exports are up 200 per cent from 2009, and...

PaperIndex Times | vor 13 Jahre 1 month

Södra reduced the price of its softwood pulp timber by SEK 25 per m3sub. This price reduction is also applicable to the pulp timber element of its storm range. The price of all hardwood pulp timber ranges will remain unchanged for the time being, however. "This price reduction is a reaction to the...

International Forest Industries | vor 13 Jahre 1 month

During the last two years, global wood pellet production increased from about nine million tonnes to some 15-16 million tonnes, while apparent consumption expanded from about nine million to 13 million tonnes. In 2010, estimated global wood pellet production exceeded estimated consumption by about...

Huffington Post | vor 13 Jahre 1 month

As we watch the world debate how best to address climate change, and as carbon emissions continue to soar, at least one climate strategy strikes me as a "no-brainer." We should do everything we can to save the world's forests.

UN-REDD | vor 13 Jahre 1 month

When most people think of REDD+, they think of tropical forests.  However REDD+ is a mechanism in which all forested developing countries can participate.  Mongolia, a country with significant boreal forest cover, is now engaging in a number of activities to develop a National REDD+ Roadmap. From...

Forest Talk | vor 13 Jahre 1 month

The government should do more to oversee private-sector forest companies to make sure they do an adequate job of successfully reforesting areas where timber has been harvested, Ontario Auditor General Jim McCarter says in his 2011 Annual Report. “The forest industry is an important employer and...

Engineering News RSA | vor 13 Jahre 1 month

South African banking firm Nedbank Capital and public engagement project Face the Future have signed a pioneering memorandum of understanding (MoU) designed to facilitate collaboration between the two, with the intention of enabling them to jointly develop sustainable forestry projects in Africa....

Times of Zambia | vor 13 Jahre 1 month

CLIMATE change presents a real threat to human development and it is already undermining productive sectors like agriculture which has the highest potential to reduce poverty levels in Zambia. Not only has the rainfall pattern changed, with some areas recording reduced rainfall, other areas have...


by Dr. Radut