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PaperIndex Times | vor 13 Jahre 6 months

FINLAND, Sep 1, 2011 Pöyry's Industry Business Group has been awarded services contract by Suzano Papel e Celulose for the Engineering, Procurement and Construction Management (EPCM) services for the Balance of Plant (BOP), and the Owners' Engineering services during the project implementation. The...

PaperIndex Times | vor 13 Jahre 6 months

Portugal, Aug 31, 2011, The Portucel Soporcel is exhibiting again at the 47th Maputo International Trade Fair (FACIM), the largest trade event with an international dimension in Mozambique.

Bits of Scienece | vor 13 Jahre 6 months

In which case increased tropical forest density would sort of average out emissions of tropical deforestation. [Is it just us or do you share the feeling something is uncomfortably unsustainable about that comparison?]

GEF | vor 13 Jahre 6 months

The forests of the Eastern Arc Mountains (EAM) in Northeastern Tanzania contain exceptional species richness of local and global importance. They are recognized by WWF as a Global 200 Ecoregion, and by Conservation International as a terrestrial biodiversity hotspot. The EAM forests are also...

The Sydeny Morning Herald | vor 13 Jahre 6 months

There is a massive re-rating of native forest going on, even as world resolve to tackle climate change crumbles. Deforestation accounts for roughly 20 per cent of our greenhouse problem, on the ''sink'' side of the ledger (because it's not just about how much gas we pump up into the atmosphere - by...

Paperindex Times | vor 13 Jahre 6 months

Tasmania, Australia, Aug 18, 2011 - Gunns Limited Managing Director, Mr Greg L'Estrange, today welcomed the Tasmanian Government's decision to appoint a probity auditor to review Gunns' contracts but sought assurances that the process would be expedited to end the onerous uncertainty the decision...

ETH Zürich | vor 13 Jahre 6 months

For the first time, ETH-Zurich researchers provide concrete data on how alternative forms of land use influence the carbon balance in tropical ecosystems. This information is not just interesting for climate researchers; the measures agreed in the Kyoto Protocol for the reduction of CO2 can be...

Forest Talk | vor 13 Jahre 6 months

Enligna Canada closed its wood pellet mill in Upper Musquodoboit, Nova Scotia several days ago. Today comes the news that the company has formally been placed in receivership and 50 people are out of work. Tax payers are also out $2.7 million. Nova Scotia Business Inc. issued the company two loans...

EFI | vor 13 Jahre 6 months

New ways to assess the sustainability of forest based activities in Northern Europe is the main topic of the Northern ToSIA final conference which started today in Rovaniemi, Finland. Drawing on several case studies, the final conference will demonstrate how the results of the project can help...

Paperindex Times | vor 13 Jahre 6 months

Russia, Aug 17, 2011 - Last month Mondi Syktyvkar launched the large-scale Forest of the Future project to further strengthen its forestry operations. The program is scheduled to close in 2013.

IIED | vor 13 Jahre 6 months

IIED code: G03145 Published: Aug 2011 - IIED  Details: Book/Report  Language: English  

Earth Island Journal | vor 13 Jahre 6 months

In Mayan cosmology, the ceiba tree, with its elephantine, silver-grey trunk that towers above the jungle, is the tree of life, shoring up the corners of the sky and sending its roots deep into the underworld. In the centuries following the conquest of the New World, Mayans by the thousands were...

WRI | vor 13 Jahre 6 months

New Global Restoration Council to be led by former Swedish Prime Minister Persson A global effort to restore 150 million hectares of degraded and deforested lands by 2020 is being launched in Bonn, Germany. The announcement comes during the Bonn Challenge Ministerial Roundtable, where a select...

Ecosystem Marketplace | vor 13 Jahre 6 months

Profit-minded banking group Macquarie has tapped the expertise of environmental non-profit Flora and Fauna International in the past to identify endangered rainforests that can generate carbon credits if saved.   Now they’ve formed a partnership to scale up the activity, and they have $25 million...

CIFOR | vor 13 Jahre 6 months

Finnish-based paper, packaging and wood product producer, Stora Enso, is setting the pace for behavior change needed within large-scale industry, with its plantations in Lao PDR having a positive impact on crop production among local families and promoting community development and local business...

REDD-Net | vor 13 Jahre 6 months

This paper examines the linkages between the energy sector and forests at local to global levels, covering wood fuel use and the competition for land between forests and biofuel feedstock crops. The paper suggests a number of policy options that may be part of a REDD+ strategy that also contributes...

REDD-Net | vor 13 Jahre 6 months

The paper outlines the linkages between forests and agriculture, and the need for REDD+ to effectively address the drivers of deforestation and forest degradation from the agriculture sector.

REDD-Net | vor 13 Jahre 6 months

The need for REDD+ to coordinate and involve multiple sectors involved in driving deforestation and forest degradataion is becoming increasingly important.

Demerara Waves | vor 13 Jahre 6 months

PARAMARIBO— Neighbouring Suriname is following in Guyana’s footsteps by formulating policies to counter the impact of Climate Change. A Climate Compatible Development Agency (CCDA) has been established by the Dutch-speaking country to help formulate a more structured approach to climate change...

CHRON | vor 13 Jahre 6 months

MADISON, Wis. (AP) — State forestry officials said Tuesday they're moving ahead with a multi-front plan to salvage hundreds of thousands of downed trees across far northwestern Wisconsin that calls for using soldiers to clear debris, relaxing air pollution permits and raising weight limits on the...


by Dr. Radut