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Forest Trends | vor 13 Jahre 5 months

This report provides insight into Ghanaian statutory and case law and its potential implications for REDD+.

Inquirer Net | vor 13 Jahre 5 months

One day in April, Florentino Saludo led a team of 19 men in trekking through the forest of Sitio Canlugoc in Lunas, Maasin, Southern Leyte, with a mission in mind: to cut trees. For the past 19 years, Saludo and his team had been planting trees in some 500 hectares of land under the reforestation...

AllAfrica | vor 13 Jahre 5 months

South Africa is hosting a consultation and capacity-building workshop under the auspices of the Convention on Biological Diversity, on reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries (REDD+), with a focus on biodiversity safeguards. The workshop commenced on 20...

CIFOR | vor 13 Jahre 5 months

Douglas Sheil and I launched CoFCCloT in August 2011.  A Google search for CoFCCloT results in 138,000 hits just now.  Not bad for an organization that doesn’t exist.

UN-REDD | vor 13 Jahre 6 months

Illegal logging is a worldwide phenomenon. Through illegal logging much higher rents can be extracted from forests than through legal operations. Corruption is almost always deeply intertwined with illegal logging.

ORF | vor 13 Jahre 6 months

Einem Dokument des Wissenschaftlichen Beirats der Europäischen Umweltagentur (EEA) zufolge sind die Emissionseinsparungen durch Biokraftstoffe falsch berechnet worden. Demnach weisen fast alle europäischen Rechnungssysteme massive Fehler auf. „Die meisten Bioenergieträger haben erheblich größere...

New York Times / ORF | vor 13 Jahre 6 months

The European Union is overestimating the reductions in greenhouse gas emissions achieved through reliance on biofuels as a result of a “serious accounting error,” according to a draft opinion by an influential committee of 19 scientists and academics.

Science Network | vor 13 Jahre 6 months

The report, funded by the Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency, the Bureau of Meteorology and CSIRO, has also found deforestation emits more carbon emissions than previously thought—a staggering 2.9 billion tonnes of CO2 per year The report’s authors suggested the world’s carbon...

Business Week | vor 13 Jahre 6 months

Sept. 13 (Bloomberg) -- Restoring and preserving dry-land forests can help provide food and fertilizer on small farms and prevent the recurrence of famine in Kenya and other African countries, a research group said. The destruction of forests and other forms of human-caused land degradation have...

Bretton Woods Project | vor 13 Jahre 6 months

In June, the Bank released its annual States and Trends of the Carbon Market report, which revealed that the market for carbon credits has declined for the first time, with $1.5 billion of credits traded last year, the lowest amount since 2005. Andrew Steer, the Bank’s special envoy on climate...

Green Blogs | vor 13 Jahre 6 months

The European Union is overestimating the reductions in greenhouse gas emissions achieved through reliance on biofuels as a result of a “serious accounting error,” according to a draft opinion by an influential committee of 19 scientists and academics.

Environmental Finance | vor 13 Jahre 6 months

A hybrid mechanism, in which tradable credits can be issued directly to forest carbon projects, as well as to national governments, is the clear preference of the private finance sector for rewarding projects that reduce deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+), according to a report from the...

Manilla Bulletin | vor 13 Jahre 6 months

MANILA, Philippines — Expedito Vanzuela, 59, was once an illegal logger, cutting trees in the forests of Maasin, the capital city of Southern Leyte, where he grew up. He sits outside the wooden shack in Sitio Canlugoc recalling those days. It is the headquarters of the Young Innovators for Social...

LTSI | vor 13 Jahre 6 months

Global Witness has contracted LTS to identify the main risks in REDD financial flows (from both public and private sources) from international to local level, and to propose appropriate financial audit mechanisms and safeguards to mitigate these risks. LTS will review existing funding mechanisms,...

Guyana Chronicle | vor 13 Jahre 6 months

Director General of the Centre for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) Frances J. Seymour, is in Guyana to live her dream of embarking on an excursion to Iwokrama which she has for decades longed to visit.

Climate-I | vor 13 Jahre 6 months

The UN Environment Programme (UNEP) Risoe Centre has launched the Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) Pipeline and Analysis Database. The database contains all submissions from developing countries and countries with economies in transition to the UNFCCC for NAMAs.

UNFEP FI | vor 13 Jahre 6 months

Leading financial institutions upped the ante on their future role in mitigating climate change as they called for more effective forest-carbon regulations on the occasion of a UNEP FI report launch at the Bank of America Merrill Lynch’s European headquarters in London.

Walta Info | vor 13 Jahre 6 months

By Lorenzo Cotula (PhD), lorenzo.cotula@iied.org, senior researcher at the International Institute of Environment and Development, UK Biomass energy makes up 77pc of world renewable energy, and trees and woody plants account for 87pc of that biomass. This includes planted or managed trees such as...


by Dr. Radut