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Kaieteur News Online | vor 13 Jahre 8 months

Ten forested communities, among them Muritaro, Aranaputa, and Bethany, yesterday signed the support US$50,000 agreement between the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), the Guyana Forestry Commission and the Forestry Training Centre Incorporated under the National Forest...

EFI | vor 13 Jahre 8 months

The Council of the European Forest Institute has re-elected Prof.Dr. José Antonio Bonet (Spain) and Dr. Harald Mauser (Austria) to EFI Board for the period 2011-2014. In addition, the Council elected two new members to the Board: Giuseppe Scarascia-Mugnozza (Italy) and Lisa Sennerby Forsse (...

Phnom Penh Post | vor 13 Jahre 8 months

The Forestry Administration yesterday launched a new US$3.8 million project to conserve forests in four provinces in the Cardamom region through sustainable community forestry. Kampong Speu, Kampong Chhnang, Pursat and Battambang provinces have been targeted because they contain forests with “...

CIFOR | vor 13 Jahre 8 months

DAR ES SALAAM, Tanzania (15 June, 2011)_Driving along a narrow country road leading towards the Rubeho mountains in Central Tanzania’s Kilosa district, we come across bicycle after bicycle loaded with sacks of charcoal, heading towards sprawling urban centres.

CIFOR | vor 13 Jahre 8 months

BRAZZAVILLE, Republic of Congo (17 June, 2011)_Financing forest conservation in Central Africa is an age-old issue of trust between the developed and developing worlds or “North and South”, said the President of Guyana, Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo at the Three Tropical Forest Basin Summit (Amazon, Congo...

Global Issues | vor 13 Jahre 8 months

Only two of the eleven countries that share the Congo Basin have validated their plans to participate in the forest conservation process known as REDD+. Preparatory plans for REDD (the Reduction of Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation of Forests, the plus refers to the extension of...

SF Gate | vor 13 Jahre 8 months

California's largest utility promises its customers green salvation through its ClimateSmart program. For every bit of energy a Pacific Gas & Electric ratepayer uses - from turning on a vacuum cleaner to powering up a computer or heating up an oven - a little part of a tree or forest is...

My Sunshinecoast | vor 13 Jahre 8 months

A CQUniversity researcher has spent the past two and half years investigating ways to reduce carbon emissions to positively impact on climate change, while reducing poverty in developing countries. PhD researcher Thakur Bhattarai has been looking into the impact of carbon trading on developing...

Enterprise Post | vor 13 Jahre 8 months

A multifunctional approach to REDD will be far more effective in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and increasing food production than the practice of intensifying agriculture and sparing forests

Rights and Resources | vor 13 Jahre 8 months

In a newly-issued briefing note, Friends of the Earth, Rainforest Foundation UK, Greenpeace and FERN cite RRI in debunking ten common misconceptions about global carbon markets and their ability to prevent further deforestation. According to the report:

Bretton Woods Project | vor 13 Jahre 8 months

As developing countries and civil society groups continue to warn against World Bank influence in the design and management of the new Green Climate Fund (GCF), further criticism is emerging of existing Bank climate initiatives.

The Mercury | vor 13 Jahre 8 months

A PROPOSAL to keep Tasmania's native forests standing in exchange for billions in carbon credits has been rejected by the State Government, Liberal Opposition and Forestry Tasmania. Redd Forests Pty Ltd has written to Forestry Tasmania suggesting it adopt the "commercially proven" model. The...

The Sydney Morning Herald | vor 13 Jahre 8 months

THE reshaping of Tasmania's forests industry is set to reach a milestone with the sale of a strategic Gunns woodchip mill. Local buyers are believed to have paid about $10 million for the mill, a sale that Gunns said was contingent on ''satisfactory progress'' of a forest peace deal between...

Forest Europe | vor 13 Jahre 9 months

The protection and sustainable management of Europe’s forests requires a stable and efficient platform for coherent policy development and implementation. Therefore, European ministers responsible for forests made the historical decision yesterday to launch negotiations for a Legally Binding...

Guardian | vor 13 Jahre 9 months

Imagine if your government suddenly passed laws that sold off the street your family had lived on for generations to an international property developer. Your land was to be "converted" into flats in the name of national economic development; bulldozers would soon be moving in to demolish your...

RUNA | vor 13 Jahre 9 months

The Sakha Republic had signed several documents on cooperation with China focusing mainly on timber extraction and processing but the two sides were also discussing joint oil and gas exploration projects according to China Daily last week. Yegor Borisov said the focus of these documents was...

RUNA | vor 13 Jahre 9 months

The project will get funding of 175 000 euros from South-Karelia - Russia ENPI programme. ENPI (European Neighborhood and Partnership Instrument) -programme is financed by EU, the Republic of Finland and the Russian Federation. One of the aims during the project is to find a suitable form for...


by Dr. Radut