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ENS-NewsWire | vor 13 Jahre 9 months

BONN, Germany, June 7, 2011 (ENS) - Delegates from 183 countries got down to business at a United Nations preparatory climate change conference in Bonn today. For the next 11 days they will work towards a draft agreement on limiting greenhouse gas emissions that can serve as the basis of...

FAO | vor 13 Jahre 9 months

10 June 2011, Rome - An FAO pilot project that has proved a great success in combating desertification is to be rolled out more widely in an attempt to turn African drylands back into fertile land.

Earth Island | vor 13 Jahre 9 months

Bonn, Germany – On Monday, a two-week long round of UN climate negotiations, lasting from June 6 to June 17, 2011, kicked off in Bonn, Germany. The talks will prepare for the way for the COP 17, which takes place November 28, 2011 to December 9, 2011 in Durban, South Africa. Over 3000...

Nature | vor 13 Jahre 9 months

Less than 10% of permanent tropical forests are under a sustainable management plan, according to a study by the International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO) an intergovernmental organization based in Yokohama, Japan, whose 33 timber-producing members account for around 85% of the world's...

Globe News 24 | vor 13 Jahre 9 months

JAKARTA (AFP) – Greenpeace on Wednesday accused Mattel, the US maker of Barbie dolls, of contributing to the wanton destruction of carbon-rich Indonesian forests and habitats of endangered species like Sumatran tigers. The environmental group said packaging used in Barbie and Ken boxes...

PaperIndex Times | vor 13 Jahre 9 months

Finland, Jun 8, 2011 - The forest industry purchased 2 million cubic metres of timber from private forests in May. The volume more than doubled from April. All timber grades are in demand, but there's a particular need for more sawlogs, which are needed to keep sawmills up and running.

The Ecologist | vor 13 Jahre 9 months

Global study finds forests provide one-fifth of household income in rural communities and says access for them should be prioritised in REDD-type conservation projects We are 'undervaluing' the income rural communities in developing countries derive from forests, according to major survey of 25...

ForestTalk | vor 13 Jahre 9 months

The Miramichi region of New Brunswick was hit hard when the forestry sector collapsed. For a time last year, there wasn’t a single mill left operating on the Miramichi. Here is the current state of the Miramichi mills: UPM-Kymmene mill This was Miramichi’s biggest mill operation. UPM-...

Forest Europe | vor 13 Jahre 9 months

The protection and sustainable management of Europe’s forests requires a stable and efficient platform for coherent policy development and implementation. Therefore, European ministers responsible for forests made the historical decision yesterday to launch negotiations for a Legally Binding...

Guardian | vor 13 Jahre 9 months

Imagine if your government suddenly passed laws that sold off the street your family had lived on for generations to an international property developer. Your land was to be "converted" into flats in the name of national economic development; bulldozers would soon be moving in to demolish your...

Forest Talk | vor 13 Jahre 9 months

Biomass Secure Power Inc.has announced a Project start date of July 1st 2011 for the construction of their first 500,000 tonne/yr whitewood pellet plant has been accepted by its Board of Directors. The engineering and construction program anticipates breaking ground at Plant one on 1st October...

Nature | vor 13 Jahre 9 months

Forests are vital to the livelihoods of millions of people in developing countries, providing on average more than one-fifth of their annual income, according to data presented today at a meeting in London. The study provides much-needed solid evidence for the importance of forests to the world...

RUNA | vor 13 Jahre 9 months

The first Swedish woodworking company in the East Siberia OOO "Rusforest-Magistralny" will be launched by RusForest group of companies in the first half of June in Magistralny village of Kazachinsko-Lensky District of Irkutsk Region. The rated output of the plant is projected at 150 tsnd cu m of...

RUNA | vor 13 Jahre 9 months

The Sakha Republic had signed several documents on cooperation with China focusing mainly on timber extraction and processing but the two sides were also discussing joint oil and gas exploration projects according to China Daily last week. Yegor Borisov said the focus of these documents was...

RUNA | vor 13 Jahre 9 months

The project will get funding of 175 000 euros from South-Karelia - Russia ENPI programme. ENPI (European Neighborhood and Partnership Instrument) -programme is financed by EU, the Republic of Finland and the Russian Federation. One of the aims during the project is to find a suitable form for...

Bloomberg | vor 13 Jahre 9 months

Carbon credits from projects to halt deforestation can achieve “premium prices” compared with other types of voluntary offsets as demand is set to quadruple in the next three years, according to CF Partners.

Indepth News | vor 13 Jahre 9 months

BONN (IDN) - Reflecting profound concerns of developing countries, a new report has strongly criticised the World Bank group for promoting false solutions to climate change, such as carbon trading, megadams, agrofuels and industrial monoculture tree plantations.


by Dr. Radut