Indonesia will reconsider its cooperation with the World Wild Fund (WWF) and other foreign agencies for their failure to help manage the country`s forests effectively, according to Forestry Minister Zulkifli Hasan. After inaugurating an online licensing service facility here on Wednesday, the...
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September 2013: Following a decade of allocating hundreds of small grants to strengthen the participation of stakeholders in developing national forest programmes, the National Forest Programme Facility of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO) will continue as the Forest and Farm...
New research has found rainforests that have been logged several times continue to hold substantial value for biodiversity and could have a role in conservation. According to principal investigators, Dr Matthew Struebig and Anthony Turner from the University of Kent’s Durrell Institute of...
More than 120 representatives of Governments, international organisations, civil society and the private sector gathered this week for the UN’s long-term finance wrap-up meeting in Incheon, South Korea. Hopes were that discussions would generate specific recommendations for Ministers to consider...
Introduction Deforestation is the permanent conversion of forest land into other uses. The main drivers of worldwide deforestation are agricultural expansion, logging, expansion of urban areas, and natural or human-induced disasters (e.g. wildfire).
After Ecuador announced it would drill for oil in its pristine Yasuni National Park while blaming international donors for failed conservation efforts, Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa has now canceled German aid.
BOGOR, Indonesia (27 August, 2013) — Understanding the vulnerability of forest-dependent communities is a point of departure for building more effective climate mitigation and adaptation strategies, a study has found. Among its findings, the study reported that mitigation activities might make...
According to a recent study funded by the World Bank and published in Science magazine, tropical land use change was responsible for 7 to 14 percent of gross human-induced carbon emissions between 2000 and 2005.
Amazonien sieht nur so aus wie ein Paradies. In Wahrheit ist es eine „grüne Wüste“ mit kargen Böden, aus denen die Biomasse kaum Nährstoffe ziehen kann. Die sind stattdessen in ständiger Zirkulation – neue Pflanzen gedeihen dort, wo alte verrotten –, und Nachschub kommt nur von weit her, von sehr...
Deforestation has led to the extinction of large mammals across the Amazon rainforest, which is now having a marked impact on the growth rates of new trees, according to scientists. Scientists from Oxford University have revealed that the absence of large animals, such as the five-tonne sloth, has...
Ecuador's President Rafael Correa has abandoned a unique and ambitious plan to persuade rich countries to pay his country not to drill for oil in a pristine Amazon rainforest preserve.
Paper, pulp and packaging group Sappi will sell its Usutu Forest Products subsidiary to timber products provider Montigny Investments for R1-billion in cash. The proceeds from the sale of Usutu, which controlled some 67 000 ha of softwood plantations and a decommissioned pulp mill, in Swaziland,...
A non-governmental organization said a claim that Rimba Raya Conservation had obtained approval from the Indonesian government for its world’s largest carbon project, on 64,000 hectares of areas in Indonesia, was in fact untrue. Greenomics Indonesia said that it had verified various legal and...
IUCN’s “Towards Pro-Poor REDD+” project in Uganda has produced a study on REDD+ benefit sharing that provides concrete recommendations to guide Uganda, as well as other developing countries, when designing and implementing REDD+ strategies.
BOGOR, Indonesia (19 July, 2013) — Studies about the impact of logging on biodiversity in tropical regions should be scrutinized, conclusions toned down or even discounted, according to a recent publication in the journal “Conservation Biology“ that has revealed widespread methodological flaws.
Most people associate Mongolia with vast open plains and rolling hills of steppe grassland, but it also contains significant forest cover. The UN-REDD Programme recently completed a study to calculate the economic value of the forest sector and assess key financing constraints. This work forms part...
Our concerns about climate change have focused on limiting rising emissions from the burning of fossil fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas, which push carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. We don’t focus as much on land-use change, and for a country like Canada, with a vast land base, it is time...
Multinational companies are profiting hand over fist from abusive forestry practices in the Democratic Republic of Congo, where illegal logging, mislabelled timber and false permits are widespread, according to several non-governmental organisations.
Government trucks arrived last night to evict Bushmen from their ancestral land in southern Botswana, according to reports received by Survival International.
Agricultural carbon projects involving smallholder farmers can take up to 16 years to generate a profit from carbon credits. Meanwhile, farmers’ direct income from poles, timber and fuelwood could be 50 times higher than the value of carbon revenue.