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USAID | vor 12 Jahre 11 months

Global climate change threatens to impact the livelihoods of millions of the poorest and most vulnerable populations in profound and unpredictable ways. In addition, society‘s responses to mitigate the greenhouse gas emissions leading to climate change may provide opportunities for economic growth...

Forest Talk | vor 12 Jahre 11 months

The Grassy Narrows First Nation (Asubpeeschoseewagong Netum Anishinabek) won a major victory yesterday in their more than decade long battle to stop clearcut logging in Grassy Narrows’ traditional territory in Northwestern Ontario.

RECOFTC | vor 12 Jahre 11 months

Guest blogger Kenneth Chomitz, Sr. Adviser, Independent Evaluation Group, World Bank shares the highlights of a new study comparing deforestation in protected vs. sustainably managed forests. 

CIFOR | vor 12 Jahre 11 months

The long held view that adaptation and mitigation are mutually exclusive approaches for reducing the impacts of climate change has been questioned in a recent study, with the beginnings of an integrative approach in many forestry projects in Latin America showing improved outcomes at the local...

PLosone | vor 12 Jahre 11 months

Protected areas (PAs) cover a quarter of the tropical forest estate. Yet there is debate over the effectiveness of PAs in reducing deforestation, especially when local people have rights to use the forest. A key analytic problem is the likely placement of PAs on marginal lands with low pressure for...

Paperindex Times | vor 12 Jahre 11 months

Finland, Aug 15, 2011 - UPM will establish four regional jointly owned forests in Finland using about 2 000 hectares of company forests as an original asset. UPM’s jointly owned forests will be located in Western, Eastern and Central Finland as well as in Ostrobothnia next to UPM mills using...

BC Local News | vor 12 Jahre 11 months

What is valued and significant and what is not? The interpretation of scenic vistas in the local area is highly subjective and difficult to interpret say two local forest industry representatives. Klaus Posselt, owner of Tahtsa Timber and Alistair Schroff, an independent forestry consultant said to...

The Walrus Magazine | vor 12 Jahre 11 months

Dirk Brinkman has been selling trees since 1970, before carbon had anything to do with it. Had you met him when he founded his eponymous tree planting company, the one every student who ever spent a summer plugging saplings into the bush has heard of, you would have beheld the picture of an...

NC Guyana | vor 12 Jahre 11 months

Amerindian leaders have agreed by majority vote to a resolution calling for the fast-tracking of the institutional requirements for the release of the Norway funds critical to the implementation of projects under the Low Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS). The accord emanated on day two of the 5th...

HQ Prince George | vor 12 Jahre 11 months

The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives is calling out B.C.'s forest industry for lagging behind developing sustainable jobs.  A new report says the province risks losing further ground on the processed wood market if efforts are not made to both renew our forests and create more long-term jobs...

The Jakarta Post | vor 12 Jahre 11 months

After releasing a report accusing pulp and paper companies of crimes against the environment, Greenpeace has faced mounting pressure from local and religious communities seeking its disbandment. The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) and the Indonesian Churches’ Commission (PGI) have said on separate...

Forest Trends | vor 12 Jahre 11 months

This paper discusses the public sector's role in PES internationally. In general, the public sector's role in ecosystem services markets is both critical, and evolving. The public sector roles are evolving in three distinct ways:

Cool Earth | vor 12 Jahre 11 months

A new paper in Trends in Ecology and Evolution argues that decades of conservation actions have had a positive impact for many of the world's endangered species. Even if we have not yet turned back the tide of the current mass extinction crisis, there have been notable successes. According to the...

Forest Talk | vor 12 Jahre 11 months

Nova Scotia is finally going to release its new Natural Resources Strategy next week. The process begin in 2007 with a citizen engagement phase, followed by a phase of technical expertise and stakeholder engagement. Originally, the province had planned to release the strategy by the end of 2010,...

Terrestrial Carbon | vor 12 Jahre 11 months

The purpose of this document is to provide a clear overview of how terrestrial carbon is currently being incorporated in the ongoing international policy response to climate change. The key focus is the UNFCCC and Kyoto Protocol negotiations. However, attention is also given to other global and sub...

The Guardian | vor 12 Jahre 11 months

Only a year ago Russia was overwhelmed by an exceptional heat wave, triggering hundreds of fires that destroyed thousands of hectares of woodland. Burning peat bogs around Moscow stifled the city in a thick cloud of bitter smoke.

German Embassy South Africa | vor 12 Jahre 11 months

A multifaceted project to preserve one of the last of Ethiopia's native forests has been underway for the past four years with the support of Germany's International Climate Initiative and NABU, the Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union. The project focuses on reforestation, job creation in...

MongaBay | vor 12 Jahre 11 months

The Republic of the Congo has announced a new program to create plantations across one million hectares (2.47 million acres) of degraded forest lands. The program, known as the national program of afforestation and reforestation (RAN), is being pushed to support various industries, carbon...

CSR Asia | vor 12 Jahre 11 months

A few weeks ago, WWF was attacked by the international NGO Global Witness in a widely publicised report Pandering to the loggers. It is a case which raises some important dilemmas about the choice that NGOs (and others) have to make between carrot and stick.

International Forest Industries | vor 12 Jahre 11 months

A NZ$7 million factory producing cross-laminated timber panels is to be established at Tahunanui, Nelson, with its backers saying it provides a ready-made solution for the rebuilding of Christchurch. The first of its kind in the southern hemisphere and 18 months in the planning, the factory is...


by Dr. Radut